Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Pathfinder 5
Some features I find handy
Single window split pane browsing
Application Launcher
Size browser
Integrated Stuffit Engine
Trail version available.
Time Warner CEO piles on Apple TV bashing
Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes is the latest TV exec to criticize Apple's $0.99 TV rental model
At least his argument made sense to me.
Impacts "syndication" of first run content.
Jeopardize the sale of the same shows as a series to branded networks that pay hundreds of millions of dollars.
Thing is I don't think the "branded" networks are going to stop carrying the shows.
So this is about "leverage" with the cable networks.
There is an industry problem.
Also, I do get Waner Bros. CEo saying DVD box set sales are important to re-coop production costs
Those cost can run upwards of 1 million per episode for some shows.
Don't buy that rentals would stop or reduce DVD season purchases, actually the contrary.
iOS 4.2 Beta
Sites are noting that it seems to be optimized on the iPad offering a significant performance bump over 3.1.3
Part of the performance gain seems to be that it uses about a quarter less memory. Good on the iPad 256MB of RAM
Hints of tethering with the iPad
Use iPad as hotspot, not the other way around.
Apple TV teardown
Internally looks a lot like an iPad or new iPod Touch sans-screen.
A4 processor, 256 MB of RAM, 8GB Flash (possible space for 2nd Flash chip)
Panasonic wi-fi board with Broadcom controller (with FM radio).
marking on board that seem to indicate an area for a 30-pin dock connector
Sips juice, just about 6 watts.
Apple TV interface hacked to run on iPod
Code named "low-tide"
Not easily accomplished and it doesn't fit the screen, but it was working.
Because it's iOS based the Apple TV should be hackable
Jailbreak team has already figured out technically how to jailbreak
Mini USB "service" port should server as portal for hacking.
Was discovered you could "restore" your Apple Tv via iTunes.
Must disconnect HDMi and power to "dock" to computer
Possible to load apps on the internal Flash
Silly rumor of Cook going to HP
Did impact Apple's stock
Tim Cook denied the rumor almost immediately.
Some feel he might be in line to assume the CEO position at Apple when Jobs decides to step down.
Would you trade iOS for Web OS?
15" and 17" Macbook Pro NVIDIA settlement
Apple has a repair and extension program for models with a NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics processors.
15- and 17-inch MacBook Pros bought between May 2007 and September 2008
Issues are distorted or scrambled video or loss of video
Covered for up to 4 years from manufacture date. Even if you didn't buy Applecare.
Contact Applecare or go into an Apple Retail store
Circus Ponies
Worth it for the web clipping feature alone
Multidex, sticky notes and flags, diagram and drawing tools.
Get a free trial.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Apple TV 2 first impressions
Very small, great design, solid
Set-up was dead simple.
Has enough weight that cables don't seem to tilt it
Wish they included an HDMI cable. Does do studio and video over HDMI
Interface is nice, similar to 1.0, but not identical.
Computers, use Home Sharing
Seems a bit bright on my TV, no way to tone it down.
Streaming works well over wi-fi
Occasionally there is a long buffer
Seems to have some cache
Was able to play 1080p downloaded movie trailer.
Netflix is awesome.
Well done UI and access to all the areas
Other app support?
Play clip from George
Rentals default to HD and have to change in settings.
Slideshows with new transitions
Why can't I select a single track to be the music?
Remote update is great. Near realtime control on the Apple TV 2.
Can't really play with AirPlay until 4.2
Over-all very impressed.
Did have to update to 10.0.1 to get home sharing working with Apple TV.
Forward delete on iOS
Play question from Theo
Possibly some 3rd party text apps, but not out of the box.
Assume you know about the press and hold to get the "magnifying glass".
Some keys when pressed and held offer additional characters.
Apple could offer a two finger gesture to enable forward delete.
Power PC to Intel migration
Had a listener who upgraded to an Intel Mac Mini from a Power Mac G5 and is experiencing beach balls and sluggish performance on the Mini
Used Migration Assistant which may be the culprit.
One test might be to create a new user account.
Specifically Applications, 3rd party drives, kernel extensions, etc.
Need to confirm these are updated to Universal version prior to upgrading and transferring from PPC to Intel
Also, cache files can sometimes cause issues. Cocktail or Onyx to clear.
Nice post on Apple's discussion board with helpful links and tips
Snow Leopard's migration assistant has a feature that will quarantine some apps with know issues
Application Enhancer was one particularly bad one.
My advice would be to clean install all of your Apps and migrate your files manually.
From your User folder, Documents, Music, Movies, Pictures.
Also ~/Library/Mail, possibly ~/Library/Safari
Might be other files and preferences.
Troubleshooting iPhoto
Play clip from Steven
If you have a backup, like Time Machine or Super Duper you could restore.
Before doing that you might try rebuilding the Library
Backup the iPhoto Library folder or file (depending on your version)
Quit iPhoto if open, then launch iPhoto while holding the Command+Option keys.
You may have several options, but the most likely one you'll need is "Rebuild the iPhoto Library database"
Can also repair permissions, rebuild thumbnails, etc.
May take a little while to re-build, but it should get you back up and running
General advice on using iPhoto (and iTunes for that matter)
Forget that the "Library" folders or files exits
Manage all your media from inside the apps.
Exception for advanced users, but generally if you do it the "Apple" way you'll save yourself a lot of hassle.
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
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