Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
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New Macbook Air impresses the press
Getting great reviews
Despite the "downgrade" of the processors performance is improved.
Performance on new Macbook Air reportedly up to par with 15" Macbook Pros?
SSD and GPU seems to help over prior gen models.
Boots in 8 seconds according to the Macworld review
Many like the second USB port and SD card slot on the 13"
Has lost the backlit keyboard, not a feature I use too often on my 15" to be honest (turn off to save battery)
Like the improved screen resolution
1,440 by 900 pixels on the 13" and 1366 by 768 on the 11"
Option to have 4GB (this should be standard IMO)
Have been some early reports of issues
Kernel panics
Video issues. “weird colors in vertical lines” extending across the entire screen.
Hopefully not another NVIDIA video disaster.
There was the MacBook Air (Late 2010) Software Update 1, addressing wake from sleep and movie playback issues
iPhoto update addresses data loss
Apple rushed out iPhoto '11 9.0.1 update to address some customers reporting data loss when upgrading their iPhoto '09 (8.X) libraries
According to Apple's release notes the issue occurred in "extremely rare cases"
I had more than a couple reports of the bug.
Apple recommends installing the update prior to upgrading your Library
The issue seems to be mostly related to users force quitting the app thinking it's stalled
For very large libraries, iPhoto '11 may appear to be inactive for several minutes before the progress bar is displayed — do not force quit the application during this period.
If you have force quit iPhoto '11 during a library upgrade, you should not attempt to open iPhoto '11 or upgrade the library again without first installing the iPhoto 9.0.1 Update.
My impressions of iLife 11 so far
Love the full screen mode and info bar in iPhoto
Also the new controls
Except the loss of the "Merge/Split" and rotate buttons in the toolbar
Book and Card templates seem more approachable and easier to work with
Love the new slideshow options and export feature
Love the "Add to" and "Share buttons", but took a while to get used to.
iMovie trailers are fun, but might get old
Audio editing in iMovie is a nice edition, but wish there was more control. Still need to see if there is improved Garageband round-tripping
Haven't had a need to use the new garageband features
Groove Matching and Flextime are serious tools
New lessons are also welcome.
iTunes get it's Genius (back) on
Apple quietly updated the "Ping" sidebar in iTunes 10
The renamed it the 'iTunes Sidebar'
Added back in Genius recommendations
Genius stuff appears below the Ping "Like"/"Post" section and the "Recent Activity".
No USB 3 on Mac, blame Intel
Reportedly an inquiry to Jobs via email resulted in this response:
"we don't see USB 3 taking off at this time." and…
"no support from Intel,"
Emails need to be taken with a grain of salt
Intel has pushed back Lightpeak
It won't be here until 2012
10Gbit/sec (USB 3 theoretical max is 5/Gbit/sec)
It's fiber optic and gets past cable length issues, latency, etc.
No word on solution for power. Intel trying to bundle copper wire.
USB 3.0 is here today and will do sustained transfer rates that beat Firewire 800, but maybe not eSATA?
Apple has all but abandoned FW
Not supporting new FW standard(s) yet
Not supporting eSATA or USB 3.0
No Lightpeak?
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Feedback, Comments and Commentary
We still want iDVD
Many of you responded to day that you love iDVD and burn DVDs of your iMovie projects
I had said I wish Apple would add new features to iDVD to allow it to output on DVD formats compatible with iTunes and AppleTV
I had been thinking it was one or the other, but there is no reason to do away with DVD burning, at least not yet.
It could be additive
iTunes LP, iTunes Extra, and iBook (eBook) compatible files.
Across the board in iLife. Why not have that iPhoto album as a iBooks eBook.
Can save iPhoto books as PDF and load them into iTunes, sync with iBooks
Problem is it's not optimized for iPad.
Can your iPhoto Library get stale?
Play comment from Stephen.
Restore iMovie missing clips
I have a project where I used clips that I later moved to my external drive.
I moved the clips the wrong way.
Don't do it in the Finder (Movies-->iMovie Events)
Do it in iMovie
click the Hard Disk button to see all available hard disks listed in your Event Library
Move the events from one drive to the other. Will ask you if you want to move only the events not used in projects
Hold the 'Command' key down as you copy the video to have it moved from one location to the other maintaining the project links.
If you mess up.
Quit iMovie and move it back to the original location via the Finder
Re-launch iMovie and move it as described.
Use aliases
Hover over the yellow "caution" or number icons to see the path iMove expects the file to be at on the local disk
Create an alias at that location that point to the source file on the external drive.
Macbook Air or iPad
Play comment from Garrett
For me they are two really different animals, but I've been hearing this comparison a lot.
Thickness (0.5" on iPad vs 0.68 to 0.11" on the 11" Macbook Air)
Weight ( 1.5 lbs. vs. 2.3 on the 11" Macbook Air)
iPad: 9.56" x 7.47"
Air: 11.8" x 7.56"
Price: $699.00 w/ 64GB (iPad), $999.00 w/ 64GB 11" Macbook Air
Similarities seem to end there
iOS vs Mac OS X
USB ports, full keyboard and trackpad, 1.4 GHz Core 2 Duo processor, NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics.
iPad has double the battery life.
Items not streaming to Apple TV
Ken noticed that his movies had to be checked (in the list view) in iTunes to be able to be seen and streamed to his new Apple TV
I like many uncheck music and music videos so they don't play on random. You can also prevent unchecked items from syncing to your devices.
Apparently many are also reporting a bug where the "blue" played/unplayed dot isn't updating properly after playing items on the Apple TV.
Review: iRig
Play review from Dave
Amplitube (iTunes link)
Full review on Dave's blog
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
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EOL: Mac-O-Lantern
Pumpkins are so passe. Go the Mac Geek route for Halloween with your own Mac-o-lantern