Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Path Finder 5
Drop stack to gather up files and centrailze for archiving.
Size browser to find large files
Free trial available
iPad, the second coming
DigiTimes reporting that Apple has begun lining up suppliers for the next gen iPad
Ibiden, Tripod Technology and TTM Technologies will be the initial Printed Circuit Board (PCB) supplier
Largan Precision as having been selected to provide camera lens modules
They ship 5-megapixel lens modules for tablet devices and do provide lower rez modules, but those are produced out of house
Reportedly they will begin shipping parts in December
More supplies online in February
Features according to "hit and miss" tech pub
Retina Display
Front-facing camera for FaceTime video chat
A thinner glass panel for a lighter build
A USB port
A 3-axis gyroscope
Digi also reported Apple is ramping up their orders for touchscreens in Q4 of 2010
Likely to match holiday demand from iPhone 4
Some want to still speculate it's for a CDMA iPhone.
Could be also locking up supply for that new iPad due next year.
iPad sales stay strong
NPD numbers show 11% of people surveyed plan to buy an iPad by February
They also looked a usage of current owners
58% bought a wi-fi only model
Usage goes up after longer ownership. 15 hours a week in the first 3 months, but 18 hours per week after owning it for 3 months
37% take on trips, 21% use the device at the office, and 7% use it during a commute
Apple continues the global iPad assault.
Just launched in Taiwan, Denmark, Portugal, The Czech Republic, Sweden, Poland, Norway, Hungary, Finland and South Korea. Later this week in Brazil
Apple Software Updates
Safari 5
Boot Camp Update
for 32 Bit and 64 Bit Windows
Support for the ATI Radeon HD 5870 graphics card
Support for Apple USB Ethernet adapter and the MacBook Air SuperDrive
MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 2.0
Resolves an issues where an attached external display may occasionally would show a purple color cast.
Macbook Air continue to impress
Macworld Labs put them up against Windows 7 ultraportables and netbooks
Tested with an 11" Macbook Air running 1.4GHz processor and 2GB or RAM (against the netbooks) and a 13" Macbook Air running 1.86GHz and 2 GB of RAM (against the ultrportables)
Ran WorldBench 6 test suite and the games Call of Duty 4 and DiRT 2.
Not surprising the Macbook Air beat the Netbooks handily likely due to running a full Core 2 Duo processor even though it's clocked down to about the same speed as the netbooks
The new books came in about 1/2 to 1/3rd the cost of the MBA
Netbooks also offered about 2 hours better battery life.
On the ultraportable side things were a little closer
Performance was as good or better than all but one of the Ultraportables in Macworld's benchmark tests
Battery life was within 30 minutes of the top Windows ultraportable competitor
Still the Windows systems came in at about 1/2 to 1/3rd the price tag of the Macbook Air.
Mac OS 10.6.5 fixes Macbook Air bugs
Problems with display flickering, fading and discoloration when waking from sleep
According to Changewave the Air may be responsible for a surge in Apple notebook sales in November
36% users planning to by a laptop in the next 90 days said they would buy a Mac notebook.
Up from 25% in October.
Component suppliers report that Apple should see Macbook shipment hits 1 million units a month in the quarter with 20-25% of those shipments being Macbook Airs.
Apple "locking" iPhone with torx
9to5 Mac reported on some serviced iPhone 4 units coming back with their standard "phillips" replaced by torx ones.
They note that since launch Apple's own images have always shown torx
Theory is Apple is unhappy with customers swapping plates with aftermarket components and that the more difficult to remove trox may slow stop some customers from messing with the device.
AppAdvice reported that new iPhone 4 units are coming with torx screws installed.
Macs still safe from viruses
For now at least. Cult of Mac has numbers from a report by free anti-virus maker Sophos
For the 2 weeks beginning in November they looks at 50,000 virus reports from 150,000 users
The biggest exploit was actually a Windows Media Player exploit that can't harm the Mac
Second biggest hole was Java exploits
Another reason why Apple may have canned in-house Java build's in favor of letting Oracle do the updating.
By getting latest build directly from the source Mac users can stay better up to date with patches.
There were only 2 Mac specific malware on the list accounting for less than 1% of the total
They can be avoided by safe browsing habits.
Extra iOS 4.2.1 goodies
Launch a FaceTime call via voice control or directly from an SMS
Support for Bluetooth devices with FaceTime
Support for ICS files in email attachments
new Text Tones that can be assigned per contact.
More HTML 5 support
Accelerometer and Gyroscope support in the DeviceOrientation API
Support for WebSockets API
Printing from Mobile Safari
iOS 4.1 for Apple TV
Added AirPlay support
Added VoiceOver support
Video support in Photo Albums
Choose Photos to Share from the Advanced menu in iTunes, and ensure that “Include Videos”
Fixed playlist sorting and "blue dot" issues
Displays "unchecked" iTunes items, but they are "grayed out" on the Apple TV
Security fixes including a FreeType exploit that could allow for arbitrary code execution
Still no support for iTunes LP or iTunes Extras
iOS 4.3 here soon
Rumors are flying that Apple will have a new iOS update ready just 1 month after the release of iOS 4.2.1
A driving force behind the update may be Rupert Murdoch and News Corp.
Daring Fireball reported that Apple and News Corp have been working on enable subscription billing and possibly push updates of new content.
Reportedly to support a new App based daily news ePub called the Daily which would provide access to daily news content for USD $0.99 a week.
Beatles selling well on iTunes
9to5 Mac reported on Billboards sales numbers for the first week of Beatles on iTunes
2 million songs and 450,000 albums
"Here Comes the Sun" was the top track and "Abbey Road" the top album
Apple moving into HP's old digs
According to the San Jose Mercury News Apple has purchased the 98-acre HP campus in Cupertino
Apple has added 12,300 employees worldwide in the past year and it had been reported room space on the 1 Infinate Loop site was getting tight.
The site is about 5 minutes away from the main Apple campus and across the street from another 50 acre site that Apple also acquired from HP about 4 years ago.
Apple still tops in satisfaction
PC World's reader survey of 79,000 on service and reliability of various tech products and companies
Apple came out on top by a wide margin in the Desktop, Notebook, and Smartphones categories.
21% reported issues with PCs that couldn't be resolved, while only 9% of Mac issues were unfixable.
In notebooks the numbers were 25.6% PC average, and 8% for Apple
Also customers said Apple laptops need components replaced about as often as other laptops do.
Still seems like a higher failure percentage for Apple
Motorola beat out Apple in the Smartphone category
AT&T service (coverage) still seems to be the sticking point. All seemed generally "meh" at customer service.
Also a fair number of "out of the box" issues.
Geniuses help the customer experience
Even with long waits and some issues I think customers appreciate a personal experience
I highly recommend Apple's new online site
Improved support interface
Express Lane support
More video tutorials
Apple data center chief passes away
Olivier Sanche, global data center director at Apple, died of a heart attack on November 25th (Thanksgiving)
He came to Apple after working at eBay and AT&T
He was an advocate for green initiatives and helped construct a data facility in Utah while at eBay that was awarded US Green Building Council had awarded LEED Gold certification.
The North Carolina Apple Data Center is said to go on-line soon and it's tragic timing for Sanche's passing
Circus Ponies
Multiple uses from one app
To dos and lists
Annotation (audio, notes, flags, highlighting, stickies)
Diagrams and org charts with drawing tools.
If you have it, you'll find a use for it.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Free Find My iPhone
Requires an Apple ID (free to create) and an iPhone 4, iPod Touch (3rd gen), or an iPad running iOS 4.2 to sign up for an account.
Sign up on the device from the 'Mail, Contacts, and Calendar' settings
Click Add Account-->Mobile Me
Sign in using an existing Apple ID or you use the 'Create Free Apple ID' button.
My experience with AirPlay
So far only seem to work from the Video or iPod apps and YouTube app
Works OK, but have had some jumping back and forth (starts on Apple TV and jumps back to iPad)
Surprised that I couldn'couldnt get Safari video to work.
Assume 3rd party apps are coming? There seem to be mixed opinion on this.
Reportedly a Jobs email said they plan on opening up 3rd party and Safari support in 2011
There is already a hack to allow 3rd party apps to play video over AirPlay from jailbroken devices.
HDCP issue when connected to display that doesn'doesnt support HDCP even on my own videos
Only an issue when playing from an iOS device?
Making AirPrint work
As shipped by Apple it only seems to support the 6 new HP ePrint printers
Was reportedly support in a beta build of Mac OS 10.6.5 was pulled at the last minute
An email reportedly from Jobs claims more AirPrint support coming soon.
9 to 5 Mac has the old CUPS files you need to make it work
Need to replace 3 system files with the ones from the beta
Backup first
AirPrint Hackivator
Still a hack, but automated and makes backup of old files
Or just get one of two 3rd party apps
Moving to your new Mac
Around this time of year a get a number of questions about how to prepare and move to a new Mac
Backup, backup again, and then verify your backups.
Can you boot from one of your backups?
Up to date, make sure all your software, OS, drivers, firmware, etc. is up to date.
Inventory your stuff and clean house
Decide what you want to move, save, and dump
Archive and clean house
Gather all your serial numbers and product keys. Get Disks or URLs for software you want to migrate.
Run repair permissions, clean caches, etc.
Clean up your "real" desktop. Do you have space to work in.
What if there are issues with the current set-up?
3 areas to check
1) User account. Create a new account and see if those go away.
If yes, you won't want to migrate your Library folder. Start with a new use on the new set up and just move the (Files and Folders) Documents, Photos, Music, Movies, Sites, etc.
2) Individual apps
Consider reinstalling Apps rather than migrating
3) Hardware
Kernel panics. Try running with just a mouse and keyboard to see if issues go away
Change out cables and remove/swap hubs.
Add one item at a time back into the chain to find the culprit
Define what your going to migrate
Based on the assessment you just made
De-register iTunes!!
Connect the old Mac
Firewire cable (if you have it)
Ethernet (direct or network), can also use wireless.
USB external drive. Clone or TimeMachine
Use the Migration Assistant
If moving from PPC to Intel and moving Apps, drivers, etc. make sure you have upgraded to all Universal Binary
Post upgrade
I keep the old machine around for a week or two to make sure I moved everything (1 clone back-up too).
Re-attach extra hardware. 1 by 1 if you need to troubleshoot.
Re-establish cloud syncing
Network setting should have migrated over if you choose that option.
Mobile Me
1Password (in dropbox)
Re-install apps if you decided not to migrate them
If you migrated the Library then likely some will already have preferences and registration set.
Otherwise re-register.
Time Machine
You know how they say, "you can't take it with you"?
Time Machine generally can't append onto an old backup with a new machine.
One exception is if you use Migration Assistant with your old TM backup to restore the new Machine
Even then there are some big gottchas
TM will append the data to the old Time Machine backups, but still does a "full" TM backup of the new system when you activate TM and point it at the old drive
You will need free disk space on the old TM drive of 120% to accommodate the new data plus overhead. So total TM drive size of at least of 2.2 times your used disk space.
Even then it will start deleting the oldest data to make room.
I just start fresh
I have the migrated data on the new drive, plus a clone.
I format the old TM drive and start fresh.
Advantage of cloned backups like SuperDuper is they can pick up where you left off.
I need a good iPad outliner
With all the "notes" apps you'd think one would offer good outlining
Many like Elements and PlainText are nice and sync directly with Dropbox
PlainText (my current favorite)
Class notes, to-dos and study guides
Course Notes
Audio recording
Handwriting recognition
Guess I need to wait for CircusPonies and OmniGroup
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
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New Music
"Feliz Navidad" by Darrell Smith
From Music Alley
Artist's site
Buy on iTunes
EOL: Apple Deconstructionism
Cool Apple art created via destruction of the products (via TUAW)