Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Personalized Photo CD and custom DVDs with slide shows and movies make great holiday gifts.
Design your own label from scratch, use the great built-in templates, or even import art from iDVD themes to match
A holiday mix CD is great to bring to a party and DiscLabel will even automatically put in the artist and track info.
Supports direct to disc printers and Lightscribe.
Special offer: $24.95. That's 30% off the regular single user license price of $35.95.
Go to smilesoftware.com/maccast
Verizon iPhone. No, they mean it this time.
Most believe AT&T exclusivity will end at the end of December and a Verizon iPhone deal will be announced in January.
AT&T CFO Richard Lindner commented at the UBS Media and Communications Conference that there is no such thing as a "permanent exclusive".
Gene Munster says the AT&T exclusivity is what's giving Android the edge in the US market
Was Apple's second mistake in launching the iPhone. First the lack up subsidy at launch.
Apple is only losing market share to Android because customers are loyal to their carrier.
Munster claims Apple outselling Android in markets where iPhone is on multiple carriers
Kaufman Bros.' Shaw Wu says Androids appeal for Verizon might be wearing off
Apple sold 14.1 million iPhone last quarter and AT&T still took share from Verizon
Verizon is now worried Apple will open up to more US carriers and is willing to deal from "exclusivity" with AT&T
The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Apple beat Nokia out for the Australian smartphone market.
iPhone has 36.5 percent while Nokia's account for 30.5 percent.
iOS web share grows 200% in November
According to latest data from NetApplications
Browser share was at 1.36% up 216% from a year ago.
Android devices came in at 0.31%, but grew 108% in November.
Mac App Store soon?
AppleTell says an inside source claims Apple will open the Mac App store on December 13th
Reportedly they told developers to have lunch apps ready by 12/6
Will not allow betas, trials, or timed versions
Telling developers to distribute those versions via their web sites
Many demo apps offer in-app purchase of the full edition. Apple could lose sales?
Also recommend developers use built-in set of standard controls as part of OS X’s Aqua user interface or if using custom controls they consider Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines.
Warned against apps that don't store files in appropriate locations.
e.g., storing databases in the user's Documents folder or storing files in the user's Library folder that are not recognizably associated with your application
A build of 10.6.6, labelled 10J537 was pushed to developer on 12/2
Was a whopping 1GB in size and contained no know issues
developers are asked to focus on testing printing, spotlight, bonjour, OpenGL and the Dock
An update with Mac Apps Store support was released on 11/4
Apple discontinues compact wired keyboard
Now you can only get the wired version with number pad
Or the compact BT version.
Apple and Mag pubs at stalemate
Despite the arrival of Virgin's Project and the rumors of "The Daily"
Still at odd over the terms
Apple reportedly offering
The ability to sell app subscriptions through iTunes.
70 percent of the revenue from each sale.
The ability to offer an opt-in form for subscribers, which would ask them for a limited amount of information: Name, address, e-mail address.
Publishers want subscriber information for marketing and editorial purposes
Couldn't they do in Mag surveys?
New iPads in April?
According to DigiTimes
Originally said production would start in December, but reportedly a firmware delay has pushed the start back to January
Initial Foxconn order said to be as high as 600,000 units for delivery to Apple in as early as the end of February
Don't expect sales to begin until April, 1 year after initial iPad lunch.
I have an source who claims to have inside info from one of Apple's board suppliers who says there would be "significant" change to the design
My guess is these would be to accommodate the camera module
I still don't think the "dual" dock port design is likely.
DigiTimes is also reporting new moels will not use AMOLED displays
Apple has reportedly ordered BLUs (back light units) which will be combined with LCD displays built by LG and Chimei Innolux.
Hopes that the LCDs will feature "Retina Display" type resolutions and pixel densities.
At least on analyst, Robert Cihra with Caris & Company, expects iPads to drive 50% of Apple's growth in 2011
Expects sales of 32 million iPads in fiscal year 2011
Predicts an explosion toward 'thin-client' access computing, a category he says din't really exist a year ago and feels the iPad will continue to lead in.
iOS 4.2.1 reduces Camera Connection Kit power?
Down to 20mA according to some reports
Prevents some accessories, like keyboards and powered mics from working.
I tried a mic that requires 90mA and it worked
You can check devices power requirements by connecting to your Mac and using the System Profiler
Go to the USB section and look at the 'Current Required' value.
"Apple City" in development
A website in Spain is reporting that British architect Norman Foster is hard at work designing Apple’s new campus in Cupertino.
Apple recently acquired a 98-acre property in Cupertino formerly owned by HP in addition to a 50 acre site they also acquired from HP about 4 years ago.
Foster is known for the 30 St Mary Axe, also known as "the Gherkin" (after the pickle, yes). A a skyscraper in London's main financial district.
The rumors site make it sound like Apple and the designer will build an eco-friendly version of a Wonka factory
City with underground tubes and transportation system
Leaving big open green spaces under glass and steel
Use renewable energy sources
House areas for engineers, R&D, and multi-functional areas
Changes to some Apple accessories
iLounge reported that Apple recently changed it's Apple Universal Dock kit.
Now $10.00 more at USD $59 vs. $49
Includes the Universal Dock, Apple’s new aluminum Remote, Dock Adapters to fit the iPhone 4, iPhone 3G/3GS, iPod touch 2G/3G, iPod touch 4G, and iPod nano 5G, a USB power adapter and USB cable.
They note the USB charger is a new addition and may be the reason for the price bump.
Seemingly related Apple dropped the price of the Component and Composite AV Cable packages down $10 USD, but removed the included USB Power Adapter from those kits. They are now USD $39.
Quicktime 7.6.9 update
A bunch of security fixes addressing holes that could have been exploited by "maliciously crafted" file formats
For Leopard and Windows.
Deep Freeze
Deep Freeze, a reboot-to-restore solution
Significantly reduce IT costs at your school or organization
Thaw Spaces provide persistent areas you define for user files, but allow you to protect the rest of the system
Can still do it without restricting the users in a negative way
Protect user privacy on shared computers
A hotel chain in the UK uses it on iMAcs provided for customers in each room
Personal files and history are wiped away after each stay with a simple reboot.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Combining PDFs in Snow Leopard
Play audio question from Jon
Confusing because the sidebar lets you now work with multiple PDFs in 1 window
Drop one page onto another
Can also expand out the document
Looks like a spiral bound notebook when you have more than 1 page
"open it" up using the "round arrow"
add in pages
Keeps them separate when you save.
Need to select the PDF in the sidebar you wish to save and then do a Save or Save as (or save all)
Physical offsite backup strategy
Play comment from Theo
Sentry makes "fire" and "water" resistant HDs
Trouble is in the details
1500 to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 mins to 2 hours and then they mostly mention solid state and physical media like CDs and DVDs
Hard disks have complex components
Better to just keep the HD out of fire, but the strategy is great alternative to "cloud" backup
Take the extra HD to the office, bank safe deposit box, friend or relatives house.
Crash Plans software can be used for free to backup to a friends over the internet.
Solves the remote recovery issue
Sharing photos via email
Play comment from Gary
Play comment from Martin
Mail-->New Message-->Photo Browser (in toolbar) or Window--> Photo Browser
In the top portion of the 'Photo Browser' window you can drag in folders to add your own "custom" locations to browse
Also when attaching File-->Attach Files…
Scroll down to the media section in the left column and choose photos
In mail once you've added photos you get the 'Image Size' options down at the bottom
small, medium, large, actual size
If you use Stationary in Mail you can't attach the photos
iPhoto does let you attach the photos
There is a 10 photo per message limit
Select the photos and choose Share-->Email
In the info panel on the right at the bottom, under the layouts, check the 'Attach Photos to Message' option
Size can be 'Optimized' or 'Actual Size' and you'll see the Message Size displayed
Remember some email providers limit sizes on outbound email
Photos come attached in a ZIP file.
Accessing iTunes on Shared mac
Play question from Eric
The Apple way
Basically move the iTunes Media folder to a central 'shared' location that all accounts have permission to access and then point iTunes to that.
Move just the 'Media' folder, not the iTunes folder, the iTunes Library file or the iTunes Library.xml file
Need to update anytime someone adds new music to their account
Preferences --> Advanced.
Deselect the option to "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library file." Click OK.
File-->Add to Library
In the window that opens, navigate to the location where the other user's music is saved (the iTunes Media folder in this example).
Click Open.
Also if two people rip the same CD you can end up with duplicates in the Library
Probably easier to use Fast User Switching
System Preferences-->Accounts
Click the lock to make changes. Enter admin password
Click Login Options…
Check the option 'Show Fast User Switching' menu…
Now use that when the kids want to log in, but keep iTunes open in your account.
Mac uninstallers
Play question from Joe
There are a ton of options
I use AppZapper
Also AppDelete, AppTrap, AppCleaner, and TrashMe. Probably more.
2 basic strategies
Watched installs.
None of them seem to get 100% of the files
Using Spotlight
Finder. File-->Find…
Click the "plus" to add criteria
Choose 'Other≥' and then select 'System Files'. I also click the 'Add to menu' checkbox
Then you can set the value drop down to 'are included'
Common location to check
/Library/Preferences and ~/Library/Preferences
/Library/Application Support and ~/Library/Application Support
/Library/Caches and ~/Library/Caches
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
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New Music
"Christmas Time Is Here" by Admiral Twin
From Music Alley
Artist's site
Buy on iTunes
EOL: Rare Transparent SE
A report by Cult of Mac says that there are only about 10 of these transparent Mac SE's know to exist, but even that didn't help it sell for the $25,000 USD reserve price on eBay recently.