Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Circus Ponies
Notebook for iPad
All the great features and functionality of Notebook on the iPad
Stickers, checkboxes, due dates, diagrams, stickies and flags.
Completely rethought for a touch interface
Watch the tutorials
Read through the Guide that's included
Can copy Notebook documents via iTunes
Also images, PDFs, etc. to include in your Notebooks on the iPad
Make sure to update the desktop app to NoteBook 3.0 v445 (I had v370 and it wasn't auto updating)
On the App Store now. $29.99 USD
Macbooks to move off Nvidia?
Cnet reported that Apple has decided that Intel's latest integrated GPUs may be good enough for the 13" Macbook Pro
Intel is expected to announce it's "Sandy Bridge" processors which combine the CPU and graphics processing unit (GPU) in one 32-nanometer piece of silicon.
Prior chips with "integrated" processors had separate chips but in the same chip package.
In higher end models Apple will continue to use discreet GPUs, but rumor is they may move back to AMD chips (AMD acquired ATI).
Apple TV 2 Update
Updated to iOS 4.1.1
Addresses an issue that causes some high-definition TVs to incorrectly display at 480p.
Addresses an issue that may cause a movie or TV show to be re-downloaded.
Early reports from AppleInsider say it doesn't fix some of the HDMI handshake issue which cause cause inverted colors or solid color images.
Holidays could be nice to Apple
NPD Group is predicting that Apple will beat quarterly Mac sales records again.
Predicting 4.1 to 4.3 million Macs sold in the 4th quarter
They site the new MacBook Air as a significant contributing factor.
The Wall Street Journal D All things Digital blog notes US Mac sales are up 20% year over year in the first 2 moths of the quarter and International sales are up 22 to 28% for the same period.
AirPlay to Mac may be possible
Erica Sadun TUAW blogger and iOS hacker extraordinaire reverse engineered AirPlay to go from an iOS device to a Mac
Uses a "very alpha" Mac video app called AirPlayer.
No Jailbreak required download for Mac
version 0.0.1 worked for me the 0.0.1-32b didn't
Creates and advertises a custom Bonjour AirPlay service that pretends to be an Apple TV
Canadian Books coming to iBookstore
Apple Canada has been granted approval under the Investment Canada Act to establish iBookstore Canada.
Apple has had books in the iBooks Store in Canada, but until now no titles from Canadian authors
They launched with mostly public domain books
Added US titles on Canada Day in July
There was a review by and under the approval Apple will:
Promote of Canadian-authored books--both French- and English-language titles--in iBookstore in Canada and other iBookstores internationally;
Provide increased opportunities for Canadian publishers and authors, including new and independent writers;
Provide increased access to titles from Aboriginal authors and publishers;
Offer assistance to Canadian publishers in streamlining processes of e-book creation and enhancement
Create jobs for Canadians and improved services for Canadian consumers, including an iBookstore tailored to Canadian readers.
The Canadian iBookstore will be run by Apple Canada, a subsidiary of the US company.
iBooks 1.2 for iOS
Adds full illustrations
Collections for PDFs and Books. Swipe between.
AirPrint support
Auto-hypenation on iOS 4.2
iPad iAd makes it's debut
Apple and Disney collaborated on and released the first iAd on the iPad platform
Tron Legacy
Features 10 minutes of video
Images from the movie which can be saved as wallpaper or added to the photo library
Location based theater locator with showtimes
Preview of the Daft Punk movie soundtrack, music video, with an option to purchase from iTunes, all from within the ad.
The ad is designed to be a demo of the capabilities and features on the platform
Exclusive ad through the end of 2010.
Find it in the free TV Guide app.
Unilever iAds launch in Europe with a campaign called "Lynx Effect" for the Lynx (Axe in US) line of men's fragrance products.
Apple may put your Home in the Cloud
Cult of Mac says they have exclusive details on a cloud based home folder initiative in testing at Apple
They says the system is being developed for use with the iPhone 5 which is rumored to offer near-field communication technology
Basically portions of your home folder would be placed in the cloud and then you could gain access from any Mac once it detects your iPhone near by.
You would have your desktop, settings, etc.
details are not totally clear at this point and some things like Music and Photo file access still need to be worked out.
Labels have restrictions on streaming music to computers the user doesn't own
Access music and photos stored on the iPhone wirelessly.
Access photos and documents stored on Mobile Me or via Back to My Mac.
Apps purchased via the Mac App Store could be re-downloaded and installed temporarily for use on host system.
Authentication done via iPhone unique ID. I assume also via a password.
Experimental at this point, but could see the light of day.
Apple has had visions of systems like this for years.
Rumored Apple Toshiba LCD Plant
The rumor bees started buzzing wildly that Apple was working with Toshiba to build a new plant for supplying low temperature polysilicon (LTPS panels) for iOS devices.
Toshiba denies any involvement from Apple beyond being a customer
The reality is far less interesting and logical of course
Toshiba is building a new plant that appears to be designed exclusively to products small to mid size LTPS displays
The plant could be converted to produce AMOLED
Toshiba Mobile Display (TMD) is one of Apple's LCD suppliers
There is high demand (mostly from Apple) for small to mid-sized LTPS displays
iTunes 90 second song previews
Yeah, longer song previews!
Ping updates
Twitter and Playlists
iTunes 10.1.1
Addresses an issue where some music videos might not play on Macs with NVIDIA GeForce 9400 or 9600 graphics
Fixes an issue where iTunes may unexpectedly quit when deleting a playlist that has the iTunes Sidebar showing
Fixes an issue where iTunes may unexpectedly quit when connecting an iPod to a PowerPC equipped Mac
Addresses an issue where some music videos might not sync to an iPod, iPhone, or iPad
Odds and Ends
27" LED Cinema Display Firmware Update 1.0
Fixes an audio issue
New Macbook Pros and iMacs in early 2011
Digitimes cites "upstream suppliers" as the source
4 upgraded Macbook Pro models with slight case re-design
New iMac panel size and price point
Mentions Lion, so late in 1st half of 2011 (i.e. June)?
Mac App Store opens January 6th
90 countries
Free and paid apps
1-click purchasing (via AppleID).
Purchased apps can run on all of your personal Macs and updates are delivered directly through the Mac App Store
GoToAssist Express
Solve the Christmas morning support call
If you sign up for the trial now you'll be ready.
It quick and easy
launch the GoToAssist software on your Mac
Send them the link
They click to accept the client software and your connected
No hassles with opening FW ports or dealing with router configuration.
Secure with 128-bit SSL and SRP
When it's done the software removes itself and your back to your family.
They remind you before your trial expires, so no unwanted charges and if you prefer they have a $10.00 day pass.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Why I am a 1Password user
Comment on Gawker hack
Twitter and LinkedIn issue
oAuth as a solution and issue.
Explain my resistance
Explain 1Password solution
Easy to use with plug-in
Stored encrypted and sync'd via Dropbox
On iDevices and backed up in normal backup schemes
Generate different level to meet different requirements
Typically 16 characters at least 2 numbers and 2 symbols.
Account logins, FTP, MySQL, etc.
Also store my software purchases, serial numbers, etc.
Automate iTunes star ratings
AutoRate app
Play review from Robby
Settings that you may want to play with:
Allow half start ratings
Comes with an Applescript
Terminal hack
Avoid unwanted in-app purchases
There have been a few stories about kids making unwanted purchases on a parents iDevice. More this week.
You can also easily make accidental in-app purchases.
After you download from the App store your credentials are stored for 15 minutes and in that time purchases won't require an additional log-in
Log-out manually via the app
On most App Store screens scroll all the way down to the bottom.
Click on your Apple ID
Click Sign Out
You will need to re-sign in to make a purchase (including in-app).
Enable parental controls (Restrictions)
Go to Settings-->General-->Restrictions
Click 'Enable Restrictions'
Enter your passcode
Slide the 'In-App Purchases' slider to 'Off'
Will need a passcode to re-enable.
Get 30 sec rewind on iPod music tracks
Play question from Elsie
The feature is available on Audiobooks and Podcasts, but not Music tracks
Can change the "kind" on the track before you sync
Select the track and choose 'Get Info' and then go to the 'Options' tab
Under 'Media Kind' change it to 'Podcast' and click OK.
It will move from your main Music library and become a "Podcast"
Double check your device settings for Podcasts and make sure this new "episode" will sync and then sync your device.
Another option would be to just use the scrubber speed to scroll back with finer increments
As you are scrubbing on your device pull your finger down
you will continue to have scrubber control even though your finger isn't on the dot.
the further down the screen your finger is the finer the control
Hi-Speed, Half-Speed, Quarter-Speed, Fine
iTunes, growing libraries, and external storage.
Play and comment on Franklin's voicemail
1:30 - Managing Podcast downloads
Click on 'Podcasts' in the Library column to bring up podcasts
Click the 'Settingsā¦' button at the bottom of the main window.
Set the settings for 'Podcast Defaults'
Consider changing the "when new episodes are available' option from 'Download all' to 'Download the most recent one.
You can always come back to the list in the podcast library and download episode one by one via the 'Get' option
Also consider changing the 'Episodes to keep' option from 'All episodes' to one of the 'Last X Episodes'
Can override defaults for individual shoes by selecting it in drop-down, unchecking the 'Use Default Settings' option and change the values for that one podcast.
Also can set the 'Do Not Auto Delete' option in the main podcast window
Select the podcast from the list
Control+Click and select the 'Do not Auto Delete', can come back and change to to 'Allow Auto Delete' later.
Can always come back and click the 'disclosure' triangle while holding the 'option' key to reveal all the episodes available in the feed. Then use the 'Get' buttons to grab individual episodes.
Streaming from iTunes Store on iOS device or on your Mac.
Streaming Podcast apps like Podcaster or Stitcher Radio
2:10 - Replacing the iMac hard drive
Can be done, but not easy
Applecare if you still have it will be maintained, but any damage cause during install and the new HD would not be covered
I would recommend having the Apple Store or your local Apple Authorized Service center do the install.
3:00 - External Drive
Good solution might not need Firewire, USB 2.0 is fine for this application
Ethernet interface is typically for NAS solution which you could use
Brands are really a preference. I use Seagate. Consider a bus powered 2.5" laptop drive if you can afford it for a media drive (can take it with you). 3.5" if you'll double up as a backup drive.
I prefer separate drives for backup vs. media and extra file storage.
3:36 - Moving iTunes Library
Instructions on Apple's support site
Set iTunes preferences in the Advanced settings to 'Keep iTunes Music folder Organized'
Change the iTunes Media folder location in the Advanced preferences to point at the desired location on the external drive
From File-->Library select 'Organize Library' and check the 'Consolidate files' option and hit OK.
When this completes you can go into the Home-->Music-->iTunes folder and remove the 'iTunes Media' folder.
Do not remove any other folder or files
'iTunes Library' and 'iTunes Music Library.xml' need to stay there.
Will not have access to your music, podcasts, etc when not connected to the external.
When not connected any new items you add will be added to the local iTunes folder and you will need to repeat the File-->Library select 'Organize Library' and check the 'Consolidate files' procedure once it's re-connected.
Hold option key when launching iTunes if you want to create separate Libraries with heir own music file data and locations, etc. This will not create separate preferences though.
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
MacCast Forum
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New Music
"Walk a Thousand Miles" by Matthew Ebel
From Music Alley
Artist's site
Buy on iTunes
EOL: Beer 'n iPods
A really cool new iPod Nano watch band that doubles as a bottle opener. (via TUAW)