Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
TextExpander and TextExpander Touch
Free trial.
Apple's Q2 results not hindered by iPad 2 supply
Record second quarter revenue of $24.67 billion with net profit of $5.99 billion
International sales accounted for 59 percent of the quarter’s revenue.
Mac sales up 28%. Apple sold 3.76 million Macs.
Helped by the popularity of the Macbook Air and the Macbook Pro refresh.
18.65 million iPhones. Up 113% year over year.
iPod sales were down 17% at 9.02 million units.
Apple only sold 4.69 million iPads, down from about 7 million in the prior quarter.
Coming off strong Holiday quarter
Anticipation of iPad 2 followed by constrained iPad 2 Supplies
iSuppli says shortages due to display and speaker components
Apple reportedly added 2 new display suppliers to meet demand.
Cook stated in the Q&A they are confident they will be able to produce large numbers of iPad 2's in the 3rd quarter.
iTunes generated 1.4 billion in revenue. Mostly off iOS app sales.
Redesigned iPhone 5
From a blog post by Engadget's Joshua Topolsky
they mocked up an iPhone design based on info they are getting.
redesigned, more like iPod Touch with metal back
tapered thick to thin top to bottom
edge to edge screen
gesture area around the home button. Larger home button?
Larger 3.7" screen, but slightly less pixel density. 312 ppi vs. 326 ppi of iPhone 4
Still technically retina. Anything over 300 ppi can't see the pixels at 12" viewing distance.
Using new bonding techniques to eliminate most of the bezel.
Wireless charging and NFC are also reportedly being tested.
Apple exploring how to hide sensors, earpiece, and speakers behind the glass.
Qualcomm’s dual GSM / CDMA Gobi chipset to make a true "global" iPhone
Will simplify models, not separate ones for different carriers
The piece does point out this is all speculation based on alleged reports from people seeing prototype units in testing. Read as "specs and features subject to change".
Don't expect LTE until at least 2012. Apple still not happy with chipset performance. Basically reiterated by Tim Cook in the quarterly conference call.
Chips require design changes that Apple isn't willing to make
Apple wants 1 chip for 3G and 4G. Current 4G phone require 2 chips for backward compatibility.
White iPhone seen in the wild
Engadget posted pictures of a white iPhone they claim was sold by Vodafone in the UK
A memo reportedly went out after telling store to stop.
Rumors of the device showing up in the Vodafone inventory system for an April 27th sale date.
9 to 5 also reports it in the Best Buy system with the same release date.
Redesigned proximity sensor hole.
Open slit below the earpiece hole. Prior designs had a perforated series of holes
Also reports surfacing this weekend that Apple might be filed testing iPhone 4 units on the T-Mobile network.
Possible iMac refresh soon
9 to 5 Mac has rumors of reseller getting notice of constrained iMac supplies
apple online store also dropped the 21.5 ship time in the UK to 2-3 days.
US still shows 24hrs.
Expected to be a refresh
Sandy bridge processors
Thunderbolt ports
Also rumors for similar updates to the MacBook Air coming in June.
low- or ultra-low voltage models of the Core i5 and i7
thunderbolt ports
Just for good measure, also new Mac Pros
9 to 5 reports it s a prototype.
Redesigned case to fit in a 3u rack
Same revs, thunderbolt, new processors, etc.
Stacked drives for more storage density.
OMGZ! Your iPhone is tracking you.
The press had a field day with this story.
Let's break it down
The iPhone collects data from cell towers and wifi hotspots and stores that data in an SQL Lite file on your phone
That file is also included in your iPhone backup
That file in unencrypted and can be extracted from the backup or directly off the phone (via Jailbreak)
This is not new. But has Apple changed what it's doing with the data?
In July 2010 Apple sent a letter to Reps. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) responding to questions about this data
Starting in iOS 3.2 Apple has was collecting this data to build a DB of know cell tower and wi-fi hotspot locations
Prior to that they used data from Skyhook Wireless and Google
The data was batched and encrypted and sent to apple over wi-fi every 12 hours.
What's in the data
Not exact GPS coordinates of your phone, but the coordinates of the cell towers and hots spots
Stored for cache reasons to be used in location based apps
Android has similar files, but a bit harder to access, because you need to "root" the phone.
Security experts feel Apple should be encrypting the data
The TOS, you agreed to this
Apple and its partners and licensees may provide certain services through your iPhone that rely upon location information. To provide and improve these services, where available, Apple and its partners and licensees may transmit, collect, maintain, process and use your location data, including the real-time geographic location of your iPhone, and location search queries. The location data and queries collected by Apple are collected in a form that does not personally identify you and may be used by Apple and its partners and licensees to provide and improve location-based products and services. By using any location-based services on your iPhone, you agree and consent to Apple’s and its partners’ and licensees’ transmission, collection, maintenance, processing and use of your location data and queries to provide and improve such products and services. You may withdraw this consent at any time by going to the Location Services setting on your iPhone and either turning off the global Location Services setting or turning off the individual location settings of each location-aware application on your iPhone. Not using these location features will not impact the non location-based functionality of your iPhone. When using third party applications or services on the iPhone that use or provide location data, you are subject to and should review such third party’s terms and privacy policy on use of location data by such third party applications or services.
My opinion
This is being blown way out of proportion.
This isn't that "personal of data" and you need physical access and some skills to the device to extract it.
Protect yourself. Passcode lock your iPhone and password protect you Mac.
Encrypt your iPhone backup file.
I am a little unsure about the data being sent to Apple
They do need to explain if it contains any identifying data, in 2010 they said it didn't.
iAds also sends data separate from this, but with that you can opt-out.
Androids data is also transmitted back to Google and DOES contain a unique identifier that could be linked back to a user.
Apple's lack of an official response isn't showing good faith, makes it seem like they are hiding something.
Conflicts with Job's public statements about respecting customers privacy when it comes to location.
Get the app to see what your data reveals about you.
iTunes Cloud deals getting done
Eddy Cue, Apple’s vice president of Internet Services, (iTunes, MobileMe) was reportedly in NYC on Friday to close streaming deals with the labels.
According to D All Things Digital, Apple already has Warner Music Group on Board and will likely sign EMI soon.
Sony and Universal would be next
Apple would likely offer a cloud storage service for music purchased through iTunes.
Apple needs deals because currently the music industry requires a royalty payment every time a track is downloaded or streamed (there isn't a distinction).
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
My paperless workflow
Play question from Bret
Fujitsu ScanSnap
S300M and the S1100
ScanSnap Manager
Set up different profiles
Scan to JPEG or PDF, if PDF you can OCR it to make the text searchable.
Set folder it scans to and application to go into
Latest software supports scanning to Evernote, Google Docs, Word (RTF), or Excel
ABBY FineReader for Word and Excel
Neat Receipts
NeatWorks Software
Kinda like iPhoto for your documents
Scans to inbox
3 document types. Document, Receipt, or Contact
Organize into folders
All stored in a single DB file. I put mine on an encrypted disk image
OCRs and will recognize past data and apply it.
Search works well and it can provide totals (doc count, amount, sales tax)
Support for tax categories
Other document management software
Paperless (Mariner)
iWeb for business
Robert wanted to know if iWeb is feasible for a small business site and how would you get it on the web.
If you're needs are simple or maybe even complex and you're willing to work with iWeb's limitations then yes.
Roughly Drafted ran on iWeb through 2007
Built in themes offer templates for blog, gallery, welcome, about me, and blank
3rd party themes
Everything is absolutely positioned.
Customize your design.
Adding images and text is fairly straight forward
Since iWeb '08 it has had widgets. RSS feeds, Google Maps, etc.
HTML widget would allow you to add HTML or embed code from other sites.
Where: Mobile Me or other hosting provider.
Built-in FTP client or publish to local folder.
MobileMe domain
Register domain
Point the DNS at Mobile Me servers (web.me.com)
In the settings area at Me.com add the personal domain
WYSIWYG alternatives
Freeway (no code)
Spotlight indexes after target disk mode
Play comment from Bill
Connect your Mac to another Mac using Firewire and boot power on the connected Mac while holding the 'T' key start it in Target Disk mode.
You'll see a Firewire logo on the screen once the Mac has entered target disk mode.
The Spotlight index data is saved in a hidden file called .Spotlight-V100 on the root of the indexed volume
My guess is since in target mode it see the Macbook Pro as an external drive it recreated that file. When you moved it back same thing.
You can 'force' a rebuild in a couple ways
In System Preferences-->Spotlight add the volume to the Privacy list and then remove it again
Use a tool like Cocktail or Onyx
Issue a command from the Terminal.
'sudo mdutil -E /path_to_volume'
Review: MagicWand
Your Apple Wireless Keyboard and Magic Trackpad look like they were separated at birth, now you can reunite them
Simple, but elegant accessory
Long plastic bar with a channel that you snap the keyboard and trackpad into
You can have the trackpad on either side of the keyboard.
There is an 'H' beam that sides between the two to make it ridged and seamless. Also a little rubber T-pad to finish off the look.
Looks nice and worked well in my testing. They say trackpad click close to the seam can be more difficult, but on a desk I didn't notice much of an issue.
From the cool guys and gals at Twelvesouth for $29.99.
Add pathbar to Finder windows
Ever wanted to be able to look at a Finder window and quickly know the path (breadcrumbs) to where you're currently at?
Finder-->View--Show Path Bar
Now the path for the currently selected item will be at the bottom of the Finder Window
If you want it in the titlebar there is a terminal hack
In the Terminal type: 'defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES' and hit enter.
Then restart the Finder. Option+Control+Click the Finder icon in the Dock and choose 'Restart'
Or use Secrets
And finally, if you use the Terminal
Typing the commend 'pwd' will display the current path
Easter Egg
View all the different weather graphics in the weather widget
Go into the Dashboard and add a weather widget
Command+Option Click the graphic
The location will change to 'Nowhere' and each time you Command+Click it will change the weather images
I like the ones for hail and fog
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