Opening Music
Music is Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
Circus Ponies
Back to school. Perfect time to pick up this app
Take course notes, plan schedules
Audio annotation to record lecture and sync time points up with your notes.
Latest update is Lion compatible.
Demos available
Rumors on the next iPhone(s)
Still jumping back and forth between an iPhone and iPhone 4 rumor
Now the iPhone 4 update is said to be a less expensive version to compete with lower priced smartphone from Apple's competitors
Rumored pictures from a Vietnamese website who has had legit pictures in the past .
Shows a white model with the glass panels replaced with cheaper plastic ones
I see no reason for Apple to do this. Their old method of selling the last gen model at the budget price works very well
Rumors of iPhone 5 release in early September or October
AT&T Store vacation freeze and memos to expect a busy schedule in September
Newer rumors that the next iPhone will drop in October
Confirmed upcoming AT&T data throttling for heavy users starting in the first week of October.
On current and new "unlimited" plans
Verizon (February 2011) and Virgin have similar policies. Slow speed once you go over a cap (256Kbps download)
Virgin's plan goes into effect in October also and also coincides with a price increase on their unlimited data plans
Also rumored that AT&T will re-price their phone insurance policies that same week
The plan changes lead to speculation of new hardware soon after.
New hardware changes:
Reported by the Wall Street journal, Bloomberg, and This is my next.
Slightly larger. 5 inches tall by 2.8" wide to accommodate slightly larger screen
Off set that by having tapered edges and being thinner. Think more like the iPad 2
Possible a metal back? Not sure how they resolve antenna issues? Maybe behind the front glass and using logo like on the iMac?
Mute switch moved to opposite side
iPhone 4 price drops
Rumors that Radio Shack and Target will be lowering US prices $30.00
16GB iPhone 4 for $169.99 and the 32GB model to $269.99
iPhone 3GS is also rumored to be dropping to $19.99
All prices are based on signing up for a 2 year service contract.
iPad 3 rumors
Maybe or maybe not in the Fall
Not surprising. A recent study of 1,400 tablet customers by IHS (iSupply) showed the iPad with a 79% market share.
When I see tablets almost exclusively iPads
Nook is also common and reports have said only a sub $300 tablet could unseat Apple's dominance
As an interesting contrast:
In Smartphones Android is reported to have a 48% of global smartphone shipments. With Apple clocking in 19%, seems far behind, but…
That 19% tops the handset shipments and Apple own almost 2/3rds of the global smartphone profits.
Pegatron has been chosen as the new manufacturer or added as a second manufacturer to Foxconn depending on which rumor you'd like to believe.
Rumor is that Pegatron simply outbid Foxconn for the new contract.
With the new plant in Brazil and other huge demand I would believe it's more likely Apple added Pegatron.
Major component supplies seem to be remaining the same.
Lion freezes on wake from sleep
An issue I have read about and heard from some of you
Seems to be a bug related to video playback and sleep on 2011 iMacs mainly
Some Macbook Pro users have reported issues as well.
Need to hard reboot via the power key
Not related to Flash.
New Thunderbolt controller in Macbook Air
iFixit has revealed that the new Macbook Airs have a different version of the Thunderbolt controller chip
Called "Eagle Ridge" it's about half the size of the big brother "Light ridge" chip used in Macbook Pros and iMacs
The smaller chip is believed to also be cheaper so might bode well for adoption in cheaper PCs and 3rd party devices
The overall performance is said to be about the same. There are two versions, but the smaller form factor one has:
Only two bi-directional 10Gbps channels vs. four
Supports only 1 DisplayPort output channel vs. two.
Apple TV update
Now at version 4.3
Purchase TV shows through Apple TV, stored in cloud.
Streams purchased TV shows, including access to all shows purchased through the iTunes even if deleted off your Mac
Vimeo support
Cloud icon shows items stored in cloud.
TUAW readers note some of their TV purchase history is still missing. Hopefully just roll out issues.
Can now also redownload purchased TV shows in iTunes
New "Purchased" category in the TV Shows section of the iTunes Store.
Likely US only?
New terms and conditions for iTunes
Apple TVs also seem to be selling better
Apple shipped approximately 480,000 Apple TV in the second quarter which is a 70% year over year growth.
Contrast that with reports this week from Logitech that their Google TV based Revue box is said to have returns rates exceeding sales.
I think the Roku set top box is out selling even the Apple TV though.
Concord Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo doesn't see Apple updating the hardware this year though
Resurface the Apple HDTV rumors
Analyst Trip Chowdhry with Global Equities Research told his investors Apple plans an HDTV for release in March
Claims 3 sizes and price points
I said on WHC that I think if anything Apple may license Apple TV technology for integration in 3rd party sets, but even that is a stretch.
iTunes longer song previews go International
Wow, that only took forever. Gotta love the music industry.
Reports that the longer 90 second iTunes song previews are now available in United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Australia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Canada.
The delay is likely because Apple has to do deals in each country they want to roll out the feature in.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Hide mail pane in Lion
Mail.app in OS X Lion has a new layout and I thought it was like iOS where the message Mail pane was always visible and there was nothing you could do about it.
Trouble is that means after deleting an item in my inbox it would automatically jump up to the next item
Causes the message to be displayed and marked as read
Could alert a SPAM sender that I read the message validating my email address
In Classic layout
3rd pane at the bottom has the divider bar with the "dot" that you can use to resize or hide the pane
You can go back to classic view in Lion. Mail-->Preferences-->Viewing (tab)
Check 'Use classic layout'
Turns out you can hide the 3rd pane in the same with the new layout, it just doesn't have that divider bar and dot.
If you hover over the line at the left edge of the message pane you'll see you get the "line double arrow" cursor icon indicating you CAN resize the pane
A double click in that are does indeed collapse the pane and when it's collapsed at the far right edge it now has the bar and little resizing dot.
Thanks to Macroundtable listener Jim for pointing this out. Now I can scan through and delete messages in Mail using the new view without it marking messages I don't want read as read.
The Applization of OS X
Consumerfication. simplification, "dumbing down"? A lot of power users aren't happy with some of the things Apple is doing to the OS
OS X Lion Server is getting a lot of flack for this. So is Final Cut X. Apple did it to iMovie and Quicktime X
Things like hiding the Library folder from Users
It's a hard change for use geeks and power users, we are going to have to learn the tricks to get our power tools and functionality back, but isn't that the point?
We will do that, but Apple's changes help not us, but those who just want stuff that works
I truly believe this is why the iPad is such a success and why Apple's competitors just don't get it.
I for one am trying to see the value in doing things the "Apple way"
Often time my experience become better and more productive by doing this
iPhoto, iMovies, Time Machine
Letting these tools manage my data and stuff for me and not trying to tweak them
There are great tools for power users, but if you don't know what your doing they can get you into trouble
I mentioned using Spotlight as my application launcher
Great tools out there like Alfred, Quicksilver, and Launchbar
Spotlight does what I need and it's built-in, so why add extra stuff to my system that I may not use? Just because a power users says I should?
More and more we need to be making "experience" based technology decisions, not "geek" based ones
We can get lost in making a better and better tool and forget to actually use the tool we have to make stuff.
Sometime good enough is enough.
You can fight it or embrace it, but it's happening
If you don't like it then more and more Apple seems to be willing to show you the door.
Lion Steve "catchphrase" Easter egg
Pointed out by Cult of Mac piece
There is a new profile image of a vinyl record
If you look closely at the track titles on the label they are classic Steve Jobs catchphrases from his keynotes
1. Magic 2. Revolution 3. Boom! 4. Unbelievable
You can see for yourself
1) Go to the main Library folder off the root of your hard drive
2) Navigate to 'User Pictures'-->'Instruments' and select the 'Turntable.tif' file
3) Open in Preview or use Quicklook to view the image
Apple has had similar Easter Eggs on icon in the past
The TextEdit icon features the "Here's to the Crazy Ones" ad copy
Podcast Publisher
"Using Podcast Publisher, you can record videos of yourself, your computer display, or a narrated screen recording and organize these into unique podcasts."
It's in 'Applications'-->'Utilities'-->'Podcast Publisher'
Single window interface. Click the "New Podcast" to create a new show
Gives a "cork board" interface to add new episodes "click post-it".
By default it adds a 'Movie' episode, but you can also choose an "Audio" one from the main Podcast screen
Movie Mode
Toggle at the bottom to capture iSight video or your desktop
Give a 3,2,1 count down
After recording you can trim the episode.
No advanced editing that I could see
No separate audio track
Share options
iTunes, Mail, Desktop
Generates a MOV file. H.264 video and AAC 44.1Kbps stereo audio
Also send to Podcast Library or Remote Workflow (???)
Podcast Library on OS X Lion Server
"Podcast Library in Lion Server provides a centralized location for hosting and publishing podcasts uploaded from Podcast Publisher. Podcast Library provides long-term storage for content and automatically generates the appropriate RSS feeds based on the podcast and episode names, title, and metadata provided by Podcast Publisher".
Other things you can do
Get Info on a podcast to enter metadata including: title, description, album art, categories, keyword, etc. (Click 'Show Advanced')
Edit and add episode metadata
Click the pushpin in the main interface to access 'Get Info' on an episode
Can also delete an episode
Manage multiple podcasts
Import media from file menu or media browser
Import shows from an existing URL (podcast RSS Feed)
Data is stored in the 'Podcast Publisher Library' file in ~/Library/Application Support/Podcast Publisher
Show package contents.
'Collections' folder contains podcasts and the episodes are .ite (iTunes Extras) files (like Movie extras)?
There isn't much functionality here, but it's 1.0 and the fact that it seem to be building on iTunes Extras has some potential
Builds on my theory that Apple plans to offer content creators a beginning to end creation, publishing, and distribution solution
View Dock in full screen apps
Tip via Macworld
Move your cursor to all the way to the edge of your screen that has the dock
Move the cursor again in the same direction and the Dock will pop-up.
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Faronics, Deep Freeze. 5.0 released with Lion compatibility
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
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EOL: iPad Head Girl
Strange marketing campaign by Hurst publishing for a new iPad only Men's Cosmo magazine replaces a girls head with iPads.