Opening Music
Music is Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
Working for yourself can be fun and rewarding, but requires wearing a lot, if not all, the hats.
Invoicing is not one of my favorite parts of the job.
Time tracking.
Setting up clients
Generating the invoice and sending it.
Following up on payment
Making it look professional
With Freshbooks you can:
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There's even an iPhone app so you can do your invoicing on the go.
Freshbooks has all that covered and makes it easy, plus it's free.
Just sign up and you can manage invoices for up to 3 clients, if you need more they have affordable plans starting at $19.95
And if you enter 'Maccast' in the “How did you hear about us?” section when you sign up, you might get cake. Each week they will give a free birthday cake to one person who signs up from the Maccast.
Free easy invoicing and possibly free cake, why aren't you signing up now?
Lion USB thumb drives now available
$69.00 at your Apple Retail Store
Cool USB key, but is it worth the price?
Why does it have a hole?
Easier to grip to remove
Use it as a keychain?
You can get a 4GB USB key for under $10 and make your own recovery disk using Apple's Recover Disk Utility
Need to have an OS X Lion install that includes the recovery partition.
iPhone 5 date: Tale of two months
Latest reports seem to be that pre-orders could start late September (29th or 30th)
Ship date is look ing to be October 7th, but might be the 14th
The October date would jive with the timing that D All things Digital was adamant about
Apple should hold it's annual iTunes, iPod (and now IOS, iPhone) media event in early September.
September 12th has recently been thrown around, although that is a Monday.
Apple store reportedly getting LTE equipment installed from AT&T and Verizon (Engadget)
Leading to some speculation that iPhone delay from Summer to fall was Apple waiting for new LTE chipsets
Tim Cook had said that early generation LTE chips would require too many compromises in design for the iPhone
iOS 5 Beta 6 released to developers
It is an over the air update
Cult of Mac released the full change log and many fixes and update seem related to iCloud.
Also new versions of the iWork Betas that work with iCloud.
And what about the iPad 3?
Wall Street Journal is reporting that will happen in early next year (Duh?!)
Apple is reportedly ordering 9.7-inch displays with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels.
OS X Lion 10.7.1 Update
Address an issue that may cause the system to become unresponsive when playing a video in Safari.
Resolve an issue that may cause system audio to stop working when using HDMI or optical audio out. Improve the reliability of Wi-Fi connections.
Resolve an issue that prevents transfer of your data, settings, and compatible applications to a new Mac running OS X Lion.
Resolve an issue in which an admin user account could be missing after upgrading to OS X Lion.
Interesting to note the update didn't come via the App Store
Separate updates for the New Air and Mac Mini vs. all other Macs
Was a small package, I think around 17MB in my case. Although the updater on Apple's support site seems to be around 80MB
Apple reportedly spends a Billion with Sharp
Some sites had reported that it was an investment in an LCD manufacturing plant. I'm certain Sharp could use the money in that way if they wished.
DigiTimes claims it's actually an investment to secure panel purchases.
Samsung is also an Apple display provider along with LG and the smaller Chimei Innolux (CMI).
LG and CNI have both reportedly had some quality issues and Apple has become more reliant on Samsung
Apple and Samsung are in a legal battle over the iPad and Galaxy Tab designs
Apple having as many high end component and parts suppliers on the books is good fore ensuring a steady supply of products to meet growing consumer demand.
Apple using it's cash horde to lock up components supplies has been a god strategy in the past for slowing down competitors.
Apple and Samsung patent ping pong in the EU
Apple files for preliminary injunction on Galaxy tab sales in Germany (EU) and wins
Later the ruling is amended because the German judge decides there isn't jurisdiction to enforce the ban over the whole EU.
Meanwhile a group call hanky panky on Apple's German legal team over 1 of the images in the 44 page filing. The German judge says hogwash i actually looked at the devices and made my decision.
Now Apple is moving forward with a similar injunction proposal in a Netherlands court and if awarded it could have the effect of banning Galaxy tab sales in the EU.
Not to mention the Australia ban on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 which will still be sold, but in a modified form and the US preliminary injunction motion which will be heard on October 13th.
And all of this drama mostly over something that we shouldn't even be wasting our time on. Bogus software patents that should have never been issued.
The hardware stuff might be valid, but "mobile photo management", "swipe to unlock", "one click"? I'm not so sure.
The whole idea of patents was to encourage innovation
Software patents seems to stifle it by creating a patent "cold war".
Nortel patent acquisition. Google buying Motorola.
Entire shell and shadow companies that make nothing and innovate nothing.
The loser in the end is the small guy, the backyard inventor, the garage tinkerer (Steve and Steve).
"Great artists steal", meaning that one artists borrows and expands the ideas of another. That can't happen with lawyers and licensing fees.
Death of the iPad killer
After just a 16 month run HP has decided that it's getting out of the tablet and smartphone hardware business
They will no longer sell the Touchpad or other Web OS based devices like smartphones
They will continue to develop and run the WebOS business and the assumption is they will look to license it.
Until about a month ago the WebOS division was headed by former Palm CEO and ex- Apple executive Jon Rubinstein. He was moved over to a product innovation role within the Personal Systems Group (PSG).
Rubenstein came over to HP as part of their 1.2 billion dollar acquisition of Palm
Interestingly it looks like HP also wants to spin off the Personal Systems Group (PSG) which oversees it's 41 billion dollar PC business.
HP would focus more on it's successful printer and business services divisions
Best Buy reportedly took orders for 270,000 TouchPads but only sold 25,000. Just over 9% of their inventory.
The sad thing is by all account the WebOS was one of the better competitors to iOS along with Android.
The hardware, not the software is being blamed for much of the TouchPads failure. According to HP own statements and a report by The Next Web.
HP engineers had gone as far as to test webOS running on an iPad and found it to run almost twice as fast.
Even running as a web app in the Safari browser on an iPad 2it was reportedly faster.
I still don't buy it. i think this a way of use cases, not product bullet points. Apple is selling appliances that meet specific needs in peoples lives.
Circus Ponies
There are a lot of note taking apps out there, but here is the thing. Notebook is WAY more than just notes.
Yes you can take great notes with it. It will do an outline like nobody's business.
It's all the "extras" that puts it over the top.
Audio annotation
Embed audio, video, PDFs
Complete drawing tools for charts, annotations, diagrams
Web clippings with trackback. So you can get stuff in quickly and go back if you need to.
Tabbed section, sticky notes and flags to help navigate and find the stuff
Automatic Multidex indexing to make searching and finding your content easy
Best part is you can try it for free, so check it out now.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Re-install iLife '11 on new Lion Macs follow-up
I was able to confirm that these apps are re-downloaded from the Mac app store after a restore
When you launch the App Store on a new Mac they are in the App Store waiting to be "claimed". register them to your Apple ID for future updates and re-downloads
Lion bugs may not be Lion
Play comment from Dave
A couple people mentioned the possibility of TextExpander being a culprit. There were a few updates right after I did this show and things seem to be better for me now.
I still have the Safari tab bug.
Automatic Termination feature
I had said how I thought this feature didn't it the "consumerism" mold Apple seems to be moving the OS into.
I thought it might be confusing to a new users if Applications just quit in the background on their own.
Then Joel pointed out something I have noticed with non-Geek Mac users.
Many don't distinguish between closing all the windows in an app and "quitting" the app.
Please sir may I have some more? NO.
How about less and you pay more and like it?
Comment on the disparity between smart device customer and carriers.
AT&T is eliminating it's $10/mo 1,000 message texting plans.
Data throttling it's unlimited plans
Only allowing tethering if you go with a data capped plan
Verizon and Sprint/Virgin are up to the same tricks.
All the while consumers are demanding more and more data and data hungry apps
Restoring an apps window position
Play question from Adam
Lion has a new feature called "Restore" which is designed to put everything back in place after a restart or reboot
It's new in the SDK and part of the AppKit framework
Called, NSWindowRestoration Protocol Reference
Many apps even before Lion could be programed to restore window sizes and position, so sounds like something the developers should implement regardless.
I found an app called Display Maid by Funk-iSoft ($4.99 on Mac App Store)
It seems to be more for the dual display issue and restores windows back to the proper display when disconnecting and reconnecting a notebook from an external display
Their FAQ notes that not all apps are supported. "Some software programs might have been written in such a fashion that Display Maid cannot control it’s windows."
Ways to discard windows on quit
Hold down the Option key when quitting an app. 'Quit and Discard windows'
Dave pointed out that System Preferences-->General has a checkbox for "Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps".
Using a backup Mac from bootable clone
JB is just like me and uses a Time Machine, SuperDuper (daily), and CrashPlan strategy for backups.
He also uses a spare Mac Mini as a "backup" machine for when his iMac goes into the shop and boots off the Super Duper clone to keep working.
This is a good strategy, but can be tricky to manage to keep things in sync.
You need to use a new temporary backup strategy.
Time Machine and Super Duper with your drives for the Mac that is in the shop won't really work.
I clone to a different external drive and backup critical documents to my iDisk or Dropbox temporarily
If the temporary computer is already registered with Mobile Me for syncing you will get a warning that the hardware is already registered.
iCal no longer has this issue because it's sync'd from the cloud
You could tun off syncing and then restore it when you get your Mac back from the shop. (this is typically what I do)
You could reset the sync data and force a merge or download of the data re-using the ID that is already registered in the cloud.
Resolving changes when you get your Mac back.
If you created a new separate clone backup on a different drive you could restore form that.
I prefer to just save documents and things I'm working on to a separate folder and then just copy those over to my Mac manually when it returns from the shop.
Podcasts, iTunes purchases, etc. used to be challenging, but with new re-download options that's not too bad.
Different face for your space
Desktops in OS X Lion can now easily have different backgrounds
Add new desktops from Mission control
F3 key (Expose key) on your Apple Keyboard
3 finger swipe up on trackpad
2 finger tap on Magic Mouse
Move mouse to "+" desktop in upper right corner or drag a window out of the current desktop and up into the "+" area at the top right to create a new Desktop
Click on the new desktop (will have the same background as 1st desktop) to make it active
Go to System Preferences-->Desktop & Screen Saver and change your desktop. Will apply to only the current active desktop.
To remove a Desktop enter Mission Control, hold option, and click the close "x" to remove the desktop.
Set hotkey to switch Desktops
System Preferences-->Keyboard
Click the 'Keyboard Shortcuts' tab and select the 'Mission Control' Section
Under Mission Control you can assign a hot key to your Desktops
Typically Control+[Desktop number] like Control+1
Control+left or right arrow to move between Desktops
Finding math symbols in Lion
Rich noted in Photoshop (I assume non-Cocoa version) that OS X's auto replace for fractions like ½ to math symbols doesn't work.
In Lion, he also thought it was missing from the Character Viewer Palette
To enable the Character Viewer
System Preferences-->Keyboard. From the Keyboard pane check Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menubar.
OR… System Preferences -->Language & Text. From the Input Sources pane (tab), check on the Keyboard and Character Viewer.
Comment: really bad UI to have this set in two different places. Has always bugged me.
Now you should have a new icon in the menubar.
Click that and choose'Show Character Viewer'
Now there are a bunch of character sets in the lest on the left. Seems like many more in Lion, but they might be turned off.
Click the "settings" (cog) icon at the top and choose 'Customize List…'
Now you can enable or disable the sets you want. The "fractions" are actually under the 'Digits' palette. There are also some that have a second, "All" palette that seems to be nan extended version of the basic set.
Lion adds 'Emoji' which also needs to be enabled from here.
The 'technical symbols' palette has all the Apple keyboard icons like Command, Option, Control, eject, etc.
You can select a symbol and add it to the "Favorites" palette by clicking the "Add to favorites" button.
To add symbols to your documents by placing the insertion bar and double clicking it in the Character palette or just drag it from the palette to your document.
To disable the menubar icon:
You can open the System Preferences-->Keyboard and uncheck the 'Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menubar' item, but that will still leave the Language input menu icon (flag) in the menubar. Another UI annoyance of mine.
Better to go to the System Preferences -->Language & Text Preference Pane and uncheck the 'Show Input Menu in menu bar' option from the Input Sources pane (tab).
Hide items in System Preferences pane
Rich also told me about the strange and potentially evil new trick in the Lion System Preferences
If you click and hold the 'Show All' button you get a drop down list of all the items in the system preferences
At the bottom there is a 'Customize' option. Choose that and checkboxes appear next to each item in the pane.
If you uncheck any item and click 'Done' that item is hidden from the pane.
You can still access the preference pane via other routes. From the 'Show All' dropdown or via Spotlight. The settings are also maintained of course.
The evil part id you could uncheck them all on a unsuspecting co-workers or friends machine when they step away. Opening the pane then just presents the title bar and a tiny white area below it. If you are unaware of the new feature clicking 'Show all' does nothing.
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Thanks to my sponsors
Faronics, Deep Freeze. 5.0 released with Lion compatibility
Circus Ponies
The online invoicing service that’s easy to use and gets you paid faster.
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
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