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Fifth OS X Beta seeded to devs
The latest version of Lion 10.7.3 is in developers hands for testing
Rumors are that this build is either Gold master or close too it
Developers we asked to test Address Book, iCal, Mail, Spotlight, and Safari.
Three main fixes we called out in the release docs and include logging in with a smartcard, authenticating with directory services, and finally compatibility with Windows file sharing.
There is also some speculation that the update contains drivers for upcoming Mac Pros, and support for a future ultra-sharp MacBook Pro display
With iPad Apple could be largest PC maker
In looking at the latest traditional numbers Gartner ranks Apple in 3rd in US market share for the 4th quarter with 11.6% of PC sales.
Apple was the only major PC maker to see positive year over year growth in marketshare. Up almost 21%
Overall the PC industry as a whole saw a almost a 6% decline in year over year marketshare.
So what's replacing PCs? How about tablets and smartphones?
In Q4 sales if you include the iPad Apple almost tied HP to be the top PC maker
For Q1 analysts estimates on iPad sales average around 14 million. Mac sales for the same period are expected to reach around 5 million.
If you count iPads as PCs the Apple's Q1 global PC market share is estimated to be 17.6 percent with HP taking the #2 spot at 13 percent.
Latest on the iPad 3
Imagination Technologies was on hand at CES showing off its next gen GPUs
The PowerVR G6200 and G6400 GPU are the first in their new Power VR Series6 GPU family
The company claims the new chips offer up to a 20 times performance boost and are 5 times more efficient.
Apple is a major share holder in Imagination and we could see their new graphics tech alongside the A6 in the ipad 3
The display is still expected to be a XQGA (2048×1536) panel, but Sharp might be out as a supplier as one report says they failed initial shipment test
Samsung and LG have already reportedly begun full production and estimated to ship 6 to 7 million panels this quarter.
Both Foxconn and Pegatron are reportedly handling assembly.
Target to get Apple Store in Stores
Target confirmed to will pilot 25 stores with Apple Mini stores I would assume much like the Best Buy Stores
At Target it's actually part of a larger "The Shops at Target" program.
They will start with 5 specialty stores in May. The Candy Store, Cos Bar, Polka Dog Bakery, Privet House, and The Webster.
No word on when and where the 25 Apple "pop-up" stores would appear. But according to AppleInsider Apple plans locations at Target where they wouldn't themselves be able to support an official Apple Store.
Using Photostream to find lost iPad
While shopping at a Tesco store in the Sussex area a man left behind his iPad
He figured it was lost for good until he noticed images showing up in his iCloud Photostream that were not his and obviously coming in from the device
There was a dog, some pink suitcases, and a guy in a hat (assumed to be an acquaintance of the person who has the iPad)
So, some great evidence but unfortunately the Location services had been turned off on the Photos, so no GPS.
Doesn't sound like this time it will be recovered through Photostream, but how long until we have the first case where one is?
Also makes me wonder why Find my iPhone wasn't turned on also.
Apple NYC EDucation event
Scheduled to be held at the Guggenheim on the 19th
Expected to be an announcement related to textbooks and education
At least one source says Apple has been working with McGraw-Hill since June
Also, one of the biggest publishers of textbooks for higher education is rumored be attending the event
There were some parts in the Steve Jobs bio about how he wanted to shake up textbooks on the iPad
Including giving them away for free to get past state certification of textbooks which slows adoption of new textbooks ink schools.
I think iPad textbooks offer some advantages, but bring their own new challenges.
Apple needs to set up for publishers with better tools for creating ebook
ArsTechnica says this Thursday's announcement will reveal just such a tool calling it a "GarageBand for eBooks"
The announcement may include support for the EPUB 3 standard, enabling a wider variety of multimedia and interaction features that
No hardware is expected, although some have speculated about a lower cost 7inch education only iPad.
I had been hearing good things about Hover for a while, but hadn't tried them yet.
I had a domain up for renewal, so I decided to try a transfer.
It couldn't have been easier and was just $10.00 including the first year of registration.
Clean interface, great help through the process, and no heavy up-sell or add-on charges. Domain privacy and locking was built in.
The control panel is also very clean
Focused on domains and that's it.
Seem new, but they are part of Tucows, so they have been in the domain game since the beginning.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Apple total media domination
Cult of Mac's Mike Elgan has a great piece that summarizes many of the ideas that I share about how Apple plans to disrupt media
See traditionally content generation, distribution, and consumption were all different parts of the media chain controlled by different players.
Apple likes to do things differently though. They make a little profit on all sides
Hardware, software, content
Their 30% is the part they make on that last bit
It's all about control of the entire chain from creation to consumption.
Music is the BETA, now they want print and video (TV and Movies)
The fight will be tougher this time and music wasn't easy
The lynchpin will be removing the middlemen, a difficult task, but possible
We have already seen Netflix, Hulu and even podcasting with networks like Revision 3 and TwiT start the process.
On the book side there are more an more authors self publishing eBooks, but marketing and distribution is still a challenge something Apple and Amazon are uniquely positioned to provide.
If Apple can deliver the distribution system, they can (and will have to) deliver tools to make it easy for creators and publishers to get content into the channel.
Something I think they already started to do with video in looking to change the Final Cut process and workflow.
They still have obvious work to do on the book side and on the pushing of content into the iTunes Store, but they have a lot of experience doing this type of thing with Music and Apps.
The upcoming publishing announcement is probably where we will get the first glimpse of Apple's strategy when it comes to a self publishing platform.
Where I diverge from Elgan is that I don't believe Apple will offer a low cost 7” tablet to compete with the Fire. Unless it might be an EDU only product.
The one part Elgan is really right about is that the first announcement will include the book publishers. In my opinion though, it's a deal with the devil (Apple being the Devil). The end game is to cut them out completely.
Replacing iDisk
Sarah, like many of us, has come to rely on Apple's iDisk to keep documents and file in sync between Macs, PCs, and iOS devices.
On June 30th iDisk will cease to exist and be replaced by Documents in the Cloud, which is at best at the moment a "sudo" substitute.
Until third party apps, and even Apple own iWork, fully integrate Documents in the Cloud, what is a replacement?
I think the key for an integrated cloud based document solution is integration across all your platforms and at the moment the best solution we have is Dropbox
in many ways it's better than iCloud because it already has tight integration with many popular apps
Seamless syncing and versioning.
An iOS app and you can use the 'Open in…' option from the action button to shuffle documents in and out for those apps that don't have built in integration
Cost and storage are about the only two limiting factors and those are minor
You do get 2GB for free vs. the 5GB from iCloud
You can pay $99.00/yr. to get 50GB of storage.
Some other ways that I access cloud storage
Round-tripping through GoodReader to Dropbox for upload.
Mail attachment and Outlook issues
Ian was having an issue where suddenly attachments sent from Apple Mail to an Exchange Server were no longer working
There is a know issue with PDF attachments sent from Apple Mail to a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 with Update Rollup 3 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) to an Microsoft Outlook 2010 client.
Very specific, but possible in Ian's case as he was sending PDFs to an Exchange 2007 Server from Apple Mail.
It does bring up the bigger conversation of Mail attachments and opens the discussion fro tips and tricks.
One often cause of confusion is just simple how different clients display and access attachments
Mail does it by default in-line and will try to display know formats like Images and PDFs.
Can Save them by dragging out of the Mail Window, Click 'Save' (saves to download folder), Click 'Save' and select 'Save All…' to bring up Save dialog, File > Save Attachments…
Attachments are also saved to ~/Library/Mail Downloads
On Windows clients it may be totally different
Images may be in-line or not depending on settings
In Outlook Express 6, attachments other than images are under the "paper clip" icon in the preview pane or under 'Attachments' in the header if you open the message
File extensions are often critical for Windows
In OS X you can confirm if you filenames have extensions by changing the Finder preferences
Finder > Preferences > Advanced
Uncheck the 'Show all filename extensions'
If the file doesn't have an extension you may consider adding one
The JPG vs JPEG issue.
Mail also has several options you can use for better compatibility
The first is the 'Send Windows Friendly Attachments' checkbox at the bottom of the Open Dialog when your adding attachments in Mail
Secondly you can use the Edit > Attachments > Insert attachments at end of message option
Apple has a support article that says 10.5 and 10.6 can have an issue sending Attachments to Exchange if you don't use this option.
You have to set this each time you compose a message
Can use a terminal PLIST hack to set it permanently, but that causes some issue, like inability to attach vCards.
defaults write com.apple.mail DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes
Finally. Right+Click and choose 'Show a Icon' for inline supported formats. May still be processed as inline on the receiving side though
Forcing the issue
If all else fails I generally create a ZIP and send my attachment that way
A little more work on the receiving side, but both OS X and Windows handle ZIP natively pretty well
Select multiple files or a folder in the Finder, Control+Click and choose the 'Compress' option. Creates an Archive.zip file next to the selected items. You can rename that and attach it to your email
Use a Mail add-on
I can vouch for it, but Attachment Tamer from Lokiware claims to address a number of cross client attachment issues
Claims to:
display (and print) images, PDFs, audio and video as icons with an optional file size limit and exceptions;
send messages compatible with Microsoft Outlook, Exchange and other software, preventing the superfluous “ATT0001” attachments;
send images as regular attachments, making it easier for the recipient to manipulate the image files;
send images embedded in HTML layout and safely mix embedded images with other attachments;
display full attachment names regardless of length instead of truncated names;
prevent unwanted image resizing or set a default size for automatic image resizing.
Windows on the iPad
OnLive released OnLive Desktop for iPad
basically give you a free virtualized Windows 7 Desktop environment on their servers
You get 2GB of storage for free
Access to Office 10 apps. Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
Has pretty good touch controls and Ink support (handwriting to text). Uses Microsoft Touch Pack for Windows 7
Windows Media Player, Stick Notes, Windows Journal, Microsoft Surface Collage, etc.
Performance over y Wi-fi was surprisingly good.
Documents need to be access via a web interface (like iWork), but they say they are working on Mac, Windows, TV, and Android clients.
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