Lessons Learned
There is such a thing as tempting fate and getting overly confident in ones ability to keep our precious iDevices safe. My track record to date has been fairly flawless minus a few bumpd scuffs and scrapes. But all good things can end and some more horrifically and spectacularly than others.
Today I have the story of how my iPhone and iPad suffered such a fate and what lessons I plan to take away from the expierence.
The Incident
Share the story of how my day came "crashing down" literally
Events leading up to the incident
The realization
The discovery
The shock and awe
The foreshadowing
The anger and resolution?
The Aftermath
Twitter support and scoldings
Checking the insurance.
The Genius Bar
The Apple way and encoragement to "do the right thing"?
What is AppleCare+?
Adds an additional year of warranty coverage to iPhones and iPads for $99 US
Increases your 90 day free phone support to a full 2-years
Gives you 2 incidents of accidental damage coverage with a $49 deductable per incident
Covers iPad accessories and battery too, if faulty.
Does NOT cover loss or theft
Must be purchased with 30 days of new iDevice purchase or after having your device inspected at an Apple Store after the first 30 days, but before the end of the first year of standard coverage
Lessons Learned?
Will you continue to go au'natural?
I kept my battle scared Smart Cover as a reminder.
Always put the iPad IN the car
It would have been just as easy to have opened the door and set the iDevices on the passenger seat.
Hindsight is 20/20
Will you always get AppleCare+ in the future?
My case for not getting it is still strong
5 iPhones, 4 iPads @ $99 totals $900. Replacement cost for iPad and iPhone back glass $328.00
Even under AppleCare it's still a $50 replacement
Becuase of my job I get new devices each year, so technically beyond
Outside AppleCare replacement is $199 for any iPhone 4s and $299 for any new iPad, $249.00 for an iPad 2
So if you look at it purely from an economic perspective I'm ahead of the game, but fate is also fate.
There are 3rd party plans, like SquareTrade but they seem to have the same kind of coverage at the same price. Do offer 3 years for $129
Warranty coverage extensions from credit cards
Need to make sure you check and read the terms
Most just extend the manufacturers warranty coverage, so only covers what they will
Also filing claims can be tricker since you go through a 3rd party
Homeowners or Business insurance
Check your coverage and deductable
May need an addendum or rider.
Probably want a lower deductable
Filing claims can raise your rates, so may not be worth it.
Unfortunately I'm not alone
The other thing I learned is that many a bad fate befalls iStuff
I was tweeted back similar stories of abused, mutilated, and drowned iThings
So how about it, do you have a story of your iOS device meeting an untimely death. Wanna share?