Getting the update
Was released on the 19th.
Get it by connecting your device to iTunes, select it from the Devices list, clicking the 'Check for Update' button in the Version section of the 'Summary' tab
Over the Air. On the device go to Settings > General > Software Update
Compatible with:
iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, and iPhone 5
iPod Touch 4th and 5th generation
iPad 2 and The new iPad
Not all features work on all devices
Maps are using Apple's all new mapping system
Satellite and 2D vector based maps.
3D mode. Pan, tilt and zoom
Flyover. Texture mapped 3D buildings. Icon changes when it's available from 3D to a building icon
Only on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 2 or later, and iPod touch (5th generation)
Traffic Maps
Waze powered to get real time traffic data
Can offer alternate routes
Shows incidents and construction zones. Click to get details.
Local search. Seems to be mostly powered by Yelp, might not be as robust as Google
Get reviews and Photos in the maps app
Directions, driving and walking. Public transit routes attempts to take you to the App Store
Turn by Turn navigation
Uses Tom Tom
Siri enabled
Large signs and arrows.
Clean vector based images
Available only on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, and iPad 2 or later with cellular data capability
Available for the new iPad and on the 5th generation iPod Touch
Sports. Schedules, standing, rosters, statistics, player bios
Movies, movie times, actor and director information, trailers, reviews, find out if it's on iTunes
Restaurants and make reservations, Yelp reviews, Open table reservations
Post to twitter and Facebook.
Launch apps
Local search is now available in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. It’s also coming to Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan in October.
Sharing updates
Facebook and Twitter sharing are all over the place. Siri, Photos, Maps, Game Center, Notification center
Can have Facebook events in Calendar and Facebook contacts in Contacts
Facebook in the iTunes and App stores
Shared photo streams.
Select the photos you want and share them publicly or with a set of friends and family
Photos will show up in their streams on the Mac (iPhoto) in Mountain Lion or on iOS 6. Also on Apple TV
people can leave comments and you can get notified. Commenting seems to only be available on iOS and in iPhoto?
You can also view the photos online.
Accessed from Camera > Options
Tap and sweep phone to take a 240 degree pano
It will work horizontal or vertical.
Gives you a line and arrow as a guide.
Software seems to operate and stitch in real time
Creates a high res image up to 28 megapixels.
Does a nice job. I get some "warping" even when I'm off just a little
Available on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, and iPod touch (5th generation).
Phone and Messaging
Swipe up on phone icon to show additional incoming call options
Reply with Message or Remind me later options
Remind can set up a time or location based reminder
Reply lets you set a canned or custom SMS/iMessage.
'I'll call you later"
"I'm on my way"
"What's up"
iMessage is supposed to now integrate email addresses and phone numbers
I have't experienced this in practice on the Mac (Mountain Lion) side. Maybe now that iOS 6 is here?
FaceTime over cellular. Requires iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, or iPad (3rd generation) with cellular data capability and a carrier data plan that supports it
Do Not Disturb
Settings > Do Not Disturb, manual toggle
Settings > Notifications > Do Not Disturb to set a schedule.
Set from and to time and turn scheduled time on/off
Allow calls from certain people or groups
Allow if you get a second call from same number within 3 minutes
Messages still come in and are in notification center, but you don't get sounds, etc.
Boarding passes, movie tickets, retail coupons, loyalty cards, pre-paid cards, sports tickets
All in a single place. Will integrate with other apps.
Prepaid cards can give you their balances right in Passbook
Can use time and location to pop-up on your lock screen when needed
Can also deliver status updates like gate changes or flight delays
VIP inbox
can tap the name of a contact in the from filed and then get to the add to VIPs button
will put a star icon next to their name in the from and to fields
Adds messages from that person to the special VIP inbox
Pull to refresh, complete with gooey icon animation
Insert photos and video from the camera roll
Tap and hold the compose button to quickly access any Draft messages
Per account signatures
Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Signature
Change to 'Per account'
App Store Previews
If you receive a link to an iOS app via email, Mail will open up a preview window that shows the app’s price, description, screenshots, ratings, and reviews
View details, reviews, screen shots, and buy right from Mail
iCloud Tabs. See the tabs that or open in safari on other Macs or iOS devices that use the same iCloud account
Go full screen in landscape mode. Hides the navigation and address bars
Offline access to Reading List
Available on iPhone 4 or later and iPad 2 or later.
Photo and video uploads
Guided Access
Enabled in the Settings > General > Accessibility
Triple tap the home button in an app to access Guided access controls and options
Circle areas of the screen to block out touch in those areas, can disable touch and motion all together
Can block the physical buttons
Sets a passcode to undo or cancel the mode.
VoiceOver added to Maps, AssistiveTouch, and Zoom.
Apple is working to help develop Made for iPhone hearing aids. (require iPhone 4S or iPhone 5.)
iTunes, iBookstore, and App Stores
All have been redesigned
App Store
Passwords are not required anymore to update existing apps
Purchasing keeps you in the store. Apps show download progress on icons and buttons.
'Open' button for already purchased apps.
Search results in tiles with screen previews
History button shows the most recent items you have been browsing
Podcasts are no longer in iTunes at all
Continue browsing while listening to previews. Controls and buy button slide down in a banner at the top.
Music app
iTunes Match is now true streaming
Volume slider button changes reflections based on iPhone orientation
The Rest
Lot's of privacy stuff.
Alerts if an app wants access to contacts, photos, or other data (can actually be annoying)
Settings > Privacy lets you tweak all that stuff
Options for turning on/off an apps access to Twitter or Facebook
Location Services is also accessed from the Privacy settings
When you set up an iCloud email you can now choose to use an iCloud.com email or the traditional @me.com
Status bars for apps can now be colored to match the theme of the app. Not just black or grey anymore
Spotlight shows folder names for apps
New Emoji icons. Monkeys!
Shutdown icon spinner is now retinaized!
App ribbons, for "New" apps get a little banner in the corner until the first launch
Feature availability
Not all features are available in all countries, but Apple has a page that lists availability by region. apple.com/iOS/feature-availability