I've had Pages on my iPad (and iPhone) since Apple released it and I use it on occasion for limited things.
As we transition more and more into Tim Cook's "post-PC" era I see myself doing more and more things on my iPad, but so far I think I've not taken full advantage of iWork on the iPad.
I've dabbled, but not really dove in. I think a big reason why is that I haven't taken the time to fully understand the tools within the new touch interface paradigm.
Today I hope to remedy that a bit.
Getting stuff in and out
Opening and creating documents
When you first launch the app you are presented with the now familiar to most, Apple iOS document manager.
Documents on a grey linen background
You can tap and hold a document to enter "edit" (wiggle) mode. (You can also click the 'Edit' button in the upper right corner.
Tap documents to select them (get a yellow line around them). You can tap multiples
Share options: Email, Open in another App, copy to iTunes, Copy to WebDAV
Will get options for format: Pages, PDF, or Word
Can also duplicate a document or delete it.
Tap the 'Done' button to exit.
Creating a document
Tap the "+" icon and tap 'Create Document'
You can also Copy from iTunes or WebDAV
If you're creating new you'll be presented with the Template chooser and you can pick a pre-designed template or a blank page
Templates will be will either be word document styles (like letters or page layout styles (like poster or flyers).
If you've set up and enabled iCloud you should see you iCloud pages documents there
Settings > Pages > Use iCloud to ON
You need to be connected to the Internet for iCloud for syncing to work.
If you create a new file when not online an upward arrow will appear in the upper right of the document icon.
Once you are in a document you can print it (to an AirPrint compatible printer or Mac running a AirPrint server like Printopia)
Tap the "Wrench" icon in the upper right corner and choose 'Share and Print' > 'Print'
Select your printer and the the number of copies and the page range.
Tap print
Share and Print from the "wrench" icon also gives you the same options for sharing that you had in the document manger
Email, Open in another App, Copy to iTunes, and Copy to WebDAV
When importing files from Pages on the Mac, note that not all fonts are compatible.
Many more in iOS 6 vs. iOS 5
If you bring in a document with unsupported fonts Pages will try to do a font substitution.
If you stick to common Apple fonts like Helvetica, Arial, Times, Garamond, Baskerville, etc. you should be OK.
Some template basics
When you start with a template it will have placeholder text and images
Tap on placeholder text and it will select the entire block and bring up the keyboard so you can enter text
Tap a round photo icon on the placeholder image and it will give you Photo Albums panel. You can then select an image from the Photos app.
Navigation basics
Page navigation
Tap and hold near the right edge of the screen and you'll see a page navigation loupe.
Like in many apps tapping the titlebar near the top of the screen jumps to the top of the document.
Selecting text
Tap and hold on a line and you'll get the magnifier so you can drag the insertion point more easily.
Double tap on a word to select the whole word. Tap a paragraph with two fingers to select the whole paragraph.
Move the insertion point by flicking
Flick left or right with one finger to move one character at a time
Flick left or right with two fingers to move one word at a time.
Flick left or right with three fingers to move to the beginning or end of a line.
Main tools
Text Styles
The toolbar, ruler, has your basic formatting tools. Bold, italic, underline, alignment, etc.
If you don't see the ruler you can tap the area just below the titlebar to have it slide down. Tap the "X" in the upper right corner of the ruler to collapse it.
Many of the templates also have default styles for things like headings, subheadings, etc.
Tap the "paintbrush" icon in the titlebar to access the "Styles" tab to access paragraph styles
You can also apply basic formatting (font, size, formatting, alignment) from this panel as an alternate to using the ruler
If you select an already styled block of text, you'll see the selection popup also has a "style…" option. Tapping this gives you the option to copy and paste the current style.
Page settings, margins, tabs
Document setup
Tap the "wrench" (settings) icon and tap "Document Setup"
Grab the handles to adjust the top, bottom, left, or right margins. Popups will show the widths.
Tap to edit headers or footers. Three column areas available. You can insert text or page numbers.
Apply formatting using the "paintbrush"
Click the "+" icon to add elements to appear on all pages. Good for logos and info for letterhead, etc.
To change your page size, tap the curled page corner at the bottom right. Choose US Letter or A4.
Tap on the ruler to insert a tab stop.
Left tab by default.
Double tap the inserted tab to toggle between the tab types.
Right-pointing triangle for a left-aligned tab stop.
Diamond shape for a center-aligned tab stop.
Left-pointing triangle for a right-aligned tab stop.
A circle for a decimal-aligned tab stop.
To remove a tab stop simply drag it off the ruler.
To use a tab, tap where you want the tab, then in the popup, choose the 'insert' option
You can insert a tab, page break, line break, column break, or footnote.
From the ruler you can also adjust the paragraph margins and the hanging indent.
Lists and bullets
Start creating a list by typing a number plus a period or a capital letter plus a period.
When you hit return it will auto add the numbering to your list.
If you want a bulleted list, select the items in your list and tap the formatting (paint brush icon) and then choose the "List" tab.
You can do bulleted, numbered or lettered.
Use the indent/ unindent buttons in the ruler to add sub lists.
If you want a second style for sub items, then you need to remove the formatting and the start the list with the numbering style you prefer and then indent it appropriately.
To reorder items in a list you can tap and hold on its bullet or numbering icon
Then you can drag the item and you'll see a blue insertion line.
Drop the item where you want it.
You can also indent or unindent the item by dragging the item left or right. A blue triangle is displayed to help you see the alignment.
Select the section or text you want to apply columns to.
Tap the "paintbrush" icon and go to the "Layout" tab and set the number of columns.
Force text to next column
Place the insertion point where you want to end the previous column.
Tap Insert, and then tap Column Break.
Images and Shapes
Tapping the "+" item then choosing Media will let you insert an image from the photo library or camera roll
In the Shapes tab you can insert basic shapes that are styled to match your template
Most have several default styles of shapes that you can swipe between and pick from
Unfortunately from what I can tell in Pages on iPad you can't insert images into shapes and shapes and images have their own style settings.
Masking images
Select the image and double tap if you want to mask the image. You can use the slider to scale the image.
Use the handles to adjust the frame size which defines the masked area.
Slide the image around within the frame to set the location.
Tap "Mask" when done
Style images
Select the image and tap the paintbrush icon
In the style tab you'll have a few default options. Tap one to apply
You can also tap the 'Style Options' to access more border and effects
Scroll down to see additional template styled border options.
Adjust the border width or scale.
If you choose a line border you can also change the color.
In the "effects" tab you can set shadow, opacity, and reflection.
Shape styles
Grab handles to resize shapes. Some shapes will have "green" handles that offer additional adjustments
Adjust radius on rounded corners, number of points on star shapes, etc.
Tap the image and then choose the "paintbrush"
Then choose the "style" tab and choose a template preset
You can also tap the 'Style Options' to access more fill, border and effects options.
In fills you can swipe between template specific options in colors, gradients, textures.
There isn't a way to customize colors.
You can add borders and adjust the width and color.
Effects, offers shadow, reflection, and opacity options.
Double tap in a shape to add text
Tap the paintbrush and then go to the "text" tab to adjust the text styles.
Finally you can set the arrangement of shape and image items by tapping the "paintbrush" and then going to the "Arrange" tab
Move objects from front to back with sliders
Change the wrap
Wrap can't be turned off.
Wrap only effects the items behind it.
Images can be flipped and you can reset any masking
Shapes you can set the vertical text alignment and margins.
You can also Lock shapes in place in the arrange menu or select the object and choose "lock" from the popup. Tap a locked object and tap "unlock" from the popup to unlock it.
Other object manipulations
Select multiple objects
Tap an object and hold
Tap other object to add to the selection
You can group multiple selected objects by tapping one item in the group selection and tapping "group" from the popup
Here you need to make sure the items in the group don't have the "move with text" option ON in their "wrap" settings.
If you're having trouble placing an object in an exact location on a page make sure the "move with text" option OFF in their "wrap" settings
Advanced tips and tricks
Finer movement of objects by "nudging" them
Put a finger on the object you want to nudge and keep it there
Then outside the image use a swipe in the direction you want to nudge the object (up, down, left, or right)
This will nudge by 1px at a time in that direction
To nudge by 10px at a time swipe with 2 fingers instead of one.
3-fingers 20px, 4-fingers 30px, and 5-fingers 40px
Locked drags, or dragging in a specific direction
This can be done fairly easily by just dragging if you are on a locked "alignment" guide with another object
If you want to constrain your drag to a specific direction regardless of whether your aligned to another object you can do it with a special two-finger gesture
Select and start to drag the object in the desired direction and then add a second finger outside the bounds of the object
It should constrain the movement to that direction.
You can tell you've got it because it will display the direction (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) in a pop-up near your second finger.
Rotate with one finger
Sometimes scale or rotating an object can be tricky on a small screen. Your fingers can sometimes obscure data, like the rotation angle.
One trick is to zoom in with a two-finger pinch to give yourself more room and visibility
With the rotate you can actually start the rotate, which requires two fingers, and then remove one finger and continue rotating.
Put two fingers on the object and start the twist/rotating motion. Then just lift one finger and you should be able to still rotate the object. You can even swap fingers s you rotate.
Scale from center
Normally clicking an object lets you see the object handles and grabbing that handle and sliding scales form there with the opposite handle locked.
If you want scale from the center, just add a second finger as you scale and it will resize the object from the center.
You'll again get pop-up text that says "Center Resize" to let you know it's working
Resize objects to the same size.
Select the object you want to resize
Grab one of it's blue resize handles and start re-sizing
tap the target item who's size you want to match and the source image should resize to match.
Lift the finger you have on the resized image to keep the resize. If you lift the finger on the target item then the source item will snap back to it's original size.
Add a background watermark
Tap the "wrench" icon and go into document setup
Tap the "+" icon and go to the media tab and insert the image you want for a watermark
Select the inserted image and scale and place where you want it.
Then tap the "paintbrush" icon.
Then tap "Style Options" > "Effects" and then adjust the opacity.
Click "Done" and then your watermark should appear on all pages of your document.
If you just want one page you could repeat the steps on a single page, sent the item to the back, and lock the item.