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Music is Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
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Is iOS 7 making you sick?
And were not asking your opinion of the flat redesign and color palette
There have been reports that iOS 7 is quite literally making some people sick.
The reports and commentary on these stories have run the gamut. Form this being a issue of pandemic proportions to being completely dismissive.
As usual the truth lies somewhere in between.
The fact is that iOS 7 does make liberal use of animations and transparency.
And it's also a fact that this can be off putting to down right sickening to come users.
The kinds of parallax and 3d motion effects in iOS 7 and other OS's can cause a kind of motion sickness that impacts roughly 5% of the population according to experts.
Effected users can experience feelings of dizziness, vertigo, and yes even sickness.
It it might not just be even that extreme. My wife is mildly impacted by the motion effects in iOS and OS X to the point where she turns away from the screen or closes her eyes when the animation effects take place.
May of the folks who seem to be impacted also have trouble reading in the car, something my wife too suffers from
Apple prides itself o the accessibility features of it's devices, but with iOS 7 has seemed to miss a potentially big issue here.
They do provide a "reduce motion" option in the accessibility section, but that only disables the home screen "parallax" effect.
The hope is that now that the word is out they will do more to give better options for reducing animations in iOS and OS X
I also just think the animations are generally too slow, effecting the overall perception of the speed of our devices.
Apple is already seeding build of iOS 7.0.3 to workers and partners for testing, though I doubt it will address the motion sickness issues yet.
One thing likely in the next update would be a fix for an iMessaging bug where some messages seem to go unsent, unreceived or sent as a SMS (text). Something Apple has confirmed they are aware of.
Hopefully another fix will be for apparently mis-calibrated sensors. It seems the compass and level are off in the iPhone 5s. The level by about 2-3 degrees and the compass a whopping 8-10 degrees.
It's also be great if they could get Siri some help. I can;t get her to stop apologizing to me.
Apple next quarterly results even set
Apple will announce it's 4th fiscal quarter results on Monday October 28th.
Even though the iPhone's were out late in the quarter expect those nine million plus units to have made a big impact.
In fact Apple upped their guidance to investors on those sales saying they expect to see almost $37 billion in revenue for the quarter.
Also expect Apple's cash horde to have grown too.
At the end of the June quarter that reserve was at $146.6 billion, which the Wall Street Journal reported was 10% of ALL the cash held by U.S. non-financial companies.
Apple's Oct event rumored for the 22nd.
All Things D came out an put their date for Apple's next media event on the calendar and that day is Tuesday October 22nd.
Previously October 15th was thrown out by some rumors sites, but considering that's now less than a week away and no invites when out that seems unlikely.
All Things D has a pretty good track record, plus we got a 'Yep' from the Loop's bearded one Jim Dalyrimple. That's a 'Yep' you can pretty much book your travel arrangements on.
The event should be firmly focused on next gen iPads, both full sized 9.7-inch models and an updated iPad mini.
If the mini will feature a retina display or not has been the subject of much debate in the media over the past month. With some going so far as to say Apple won't release a retina iPad mini this year.
My take, we'll have a retina iPad mini this year, or there is no iPad mini update and that's not likely.
The main rumor has been that there are yield issues with the panels at suppliers. I say BS. Even Tim Cook has cautioned analysts about speculating on Apple's supply chain based on a single point or metric. Apple uses many suppliers, so it can be easy to misinterpret the data.
Here's my wild speculation as to what we'll see.
iPad 5th gen with retina display. Thinner with design and styling matching the iPad mini. Colors that match the iPhone 5s. Silver and white, Space Grey and black, and yes, gold. Updated 64-bit A7x processor, M7 coprocessor, updated GPU, longer battery life, and TouchID.
Retina iPad mini. Colors that match the iPhone 5s. Silver and white, Space Grey and black, and yes, gold. Updated A6 processor, M7 coprocessor, updated GPU, longer battery life, and TouchID.
Both iPads are also expected to get improved 8-megapixel larger aperture iSight cameras.
Good thing because I see more and more iPad photographers in the wild.
Announcement of pricing and release date for the Mac Pro.
iPad pre-sales and OS X Mavericks on Friday Oct 25th. following the event. iPads shipping Friday November 1st.
And Mavericks hasn't even hit the streets yet and we are already getting reports that Apple appears to have begun testing OS X 10.10, code named Syrah.
Obviously at this early stage nobody has any details beyond the version number and codename, but good bet the design will borrow heavily from the look of iOS 7
That likely is upsetting some of you right now, but hey you've got a year to get used to the idea or plan you move to Windows 8. 😉
Rumors of the non-existent iWatch
A Korean publication claims that Apple is testing at least three iWatch designs based around flexible OLED displays.
The designs are reportedly for 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5-inch displays that would be curved to better conform to the shape of the wrist.
Here's the deal. Can we stop calling this thing an "iWatch"? The "watch" concept has proven to be a non-starter and there is no consumer demand for a "smart watch" Apple simply will not make one.
Now I'm not precluding Apple from making a wearable, but it will be much more than a smart watch.
I also think that any kind of wearable that Apple may do would likely have some functionality that allows it to operate autonomously. Functionality would be enhanced by connecting to another device, but certainly not dependent on it.
iTunes Radio set to expand
Bloomberg says Apple is preparing to expand it's new iTunes Radio service outside the US.
Apple reportedly has plans to roll the service out to Canada, the UK, several Nordic countries, Australia and New Zealand soon.
The story says Apple already has the international deals in place with most if not all of the big three music labels, so really it's just about prepping the servers and infrastructure to take the load.
Rapid international expansion could help Apple's new service quickly capture market share. Pandora for example, hasn't done much outside the US, so Apple could gain traction with iTunes Radio more easily outside the States.
As a matter of fact, Apple Senior Vice President of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue, said when Apple launched iTunes Radio that they wanted to see the service eventually in "more than 100 countries,". That statement didn't come with a timeline though.
The new eras and markets will also help Apple's bottom line since the free version of the service is 100% ad supported
Apple has lined up big advertisers like Nissan, McDonald's, Pepsi and Proctor & Gamble.
They also have already begun advertising for programmers for the Canadian version, which is fueling some of the expansion rumors.
Apple is also using the Radio Service to aggressively promote new music and discovery
Recently new albums from Justin Timberlake and Miley Cyrus have been previewed for free on the service.
If Apple does expand their Radio service in the coming weeks, it would appear to be a much quicker roll out than other services they've rolled out in the past, like Movies or TV Shows.
The rollout for English-speaking countries outside of the United States is expected to happen by early 2014
The next iPhone will be the bigger one.
The iPhone 5s and 5c aren't even potty trained yet and the rumor mills are grinding out the next iPhone rumors.
The sad thing is they aren;t even new rumors, just pushing the old ones onto the next iPhone.
Here's the news flash: the next iPhone, the six, will have a bigger screen. FINALLY, I know. Whew. Apple dogged a bullet on that one. 😉
But don't worry it will be a tiny big screen. Apple is aid to be going with a 4.8 inch panel while their gigantiPhone competitors are pushing into iPad mini territory with 6-inch plus monstrosities.
Or maybe? DisplaySearch is cited as claiming Apple is testing 4.7 inch and 5.7 inch variations with the laters resolution pushing full 1080p HD.
And often reliable analyst Ming-chi Kuo says he expects the iPhone 6 to have a 4.5 to 5 inch display.
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Feedback, commentary, opinions
Some more iPhone 5s/5c feedback
Play feedback from Gavin
Totally agree on the camera and slow-mo
The developer of a free app called, TruSloMo, contacted me. The app lets you access your 120 fps videos and export them at full HD resolution for sharing or saving back to the camera roll with the slow motion effect rendered in place. Free on the App Store.
I love the look and feel of the 5c too. Apple had to have the premium differences obviously.
Love the Applecase too, but the bloody holes are too small as usual.
Keeping contacts private, but shareable
Play comment from Mike
I would think there has to be, "an app for that"? Right.
The Contacts DB is one of those things that is accessible to Apps with your permission.
BBC iPlayer adds Podcast support
Those of you in the UK have a new capability in your BBC iPlayer Radio app.
Podcasts, and according to an executive producer at the BBC Podcast support was a highly requested feature for the app.
The app will let you download and listen to your favorite shows off line. A feature of the app that they also apparently recently added for video content too.
So I ask you my UK audience. How are Podcasts in iPlayer? What kinds of features does it have?
Send a review please.
Will I be able to run OS X Mavericks?
A number of people are asking me about the pending Mavericks upgrade with the primary question being what will the system requirements be?
We never know for sure until Apple announce it, but the "Gold Master" was pushed to developers and here's what it requires:
The general rule will likely be almost any Mac that can run OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion should be able to run Mavericks.
iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
Xserve (Early 2009)
MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
OS X Mavericks will run on a machine with just 2GB of RAM, but you'll likely want at least 4GB and more if you have it.
Another question is will I be able to upgrade from Lion, or maybe even Snow Leopard, directly or do I need to buy Mountain Lion now?
Most likely you'll be able to just directly upgrade to OS X Mavericks from the App Store
You will need to be running at least OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard), since that is the release that has the Mac App Store.
Finally, what if I have an old system that doesn't support OS X Mavericks, but runs Mountain Lion? Will I be able to still get Mountain Lion after OS X is released?
If you already purchased Mountain Lion from the App Store then I believe it will continue to show up in App Store, just like Lion
If you don't see older software Open the App Store. Go to Store > View My Account… and enter your Apple ID username and password. Under the 'iTunes In the Cloud' section of the Account Information screen, click "Manage…' Now you should see older software, say like OS X Lion, and you can click the 'Unhide' button to make it show up again under the 'Purchases' tab.
If you want Mountain Lion, but haven't purchased Mountain Lion yet. Do it now, it will no longer be for sale after OS X Mavericks is out.
Make a USB Recovery Disk for Mountain Lion. Get an 8GB or larger USB stick and download an run Apple's OS X Recovery Disk Assistant v1.0
Label your 5s fingerprints
So when you go into Settings > General > Passcode & Fingerprint on the 5s and enter new Fingerprints they are labeled by default, 'Finger 1', 'Finger 2', etc.
Not very helpful in identifying which one is which.
Well here's some cool tips to help you out.
First if you're on that screen and you touch one of your registered fingers to the sensor that one will highlight in grey and fade out.
Secondly, it's not obvious how, but you can actually change the label
Tap the 'Edit' button on the upper right of the screen
You'll see the red 'delete' circles appear and that seems like all you can edit, but no.
Tap the label and you'll get the keyboard to pop up
Now you can change the label and tap Done.
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