Opening Music
Music is Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
Sponsor: Squarespace
Squarespace is everything you need to get the perfect website up in a matter of hours instead of days.
At some point you are likely going to want a web site for something.
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And what I love about Squarespace is that they provide all the tools you need to great a great looking website up and running fast
When I wanted a site for a Maccast day at Disneyland I used Squarespace
I got the domain, the hosting, and all the design tools I needed.
I was able to pick a great theme that was responsive, so it worked with any browser mobile or desktop
I quickly added in a welcome page with a great slideshow slider
Informational pages with a calendar and maps
All the social media integration to help promote it
And I had it all online in hours.
No my needs were simple, so I just used the templates and drag and drop tool, but if you need more advanced they got you covered there too.
You can get commerce integration, analytics tools, and even dig into the code to make your site truly your own.
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And when you decide to sign up for Squarespace, make sure to use the offer code 'maccast' to get 10% off your first purchase.
Big thanks to Squarespace for their support of the show.
Squarespace. You Should.
New stuff in Apple's recent Betas
OS X 10.11.4
Looks like in the OS X 10.11.4 update Apple has added support to import the Evernote .enex file format
There were first hints of import functionality coming when menu options for the feature showed up in earlier beta builds.
Also Apple VP of marketing, Brian Croll, made comments to PC User saying Evernote "capture" support would arrive in OS X Notes soon.
The feature seems to be fairly good at converting Evernote's advanced formatting, but it's not perfect.
Comparisons are being made to Microsoft Word document support in Pages.
tvOS 9.2
The third beta adds dictation and support for Siri search of the App Store
You can now dictate usernames and passwords and other keyboard input
You're prompted to install dictation support after upgrading
When performing text input there's an option to use the Siri button on the remote to dictate
While dictating you also see live level meters on screen
These features are added to the earlier support for Bluetooth keyboards, iCloud Photo Library, Live Photos, folders for Apps, new App Switcher interface, and developer support for MapKit.
Apple looking to hire a software engineer for their "Clock Face Team"
Apple has been rumored to be working on new clock faces and complications for an upcoming update
Not clear if that would be part of the watch updates at the March event
iOS 10
Apple seems to be stepping up their mapping efforts for iOS 10
There are more spotting a of their street sensor vans which now have Apple Maps window decals.
They have on board cameras, LiDAR, and high-sensitivity GPS.
It's also expected that Apple is backing up the data with ground truth operations which verifies the locations of roads
They also doing environmental capture which gathers scans and data on the surrounding areas. Things like depth maps and photographs.
Apple's investment in AR/VR space
In a research note acquired by AppleInsider Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster has some interesting thoughts on Apple's move into augmented reality and virtual reality.
He believes Apple is looking to have iOS ecosystem support for AR and VR in place as soon as 2018
Looking on Linked in he says Apple has at least 141 people with backgrounds in AR
He thinks for the next generation there will be a natural progression from personal technology, like smartphones, to AR/VR wearable devices.
In the short term he thinks Apple views VR/AR devices as accessories for the iPhone, like they do with the Apple Watch
By 2018 the belief is Apple will have frameworks and programs in place to certify 3rd party AR/VR devices and tech that work with iPhone. Like the MFi program.
Apple has made several acquisitions lately in the AR/VR space.
Apple could eventually develop their own hardware devices in the space, but that's not something Munster sees happening for at least 15 years.
Recent OS X Security scares
Intego is warning Mac users of a "fake" Flash update that is installing "scareware".
The installer is popping up on various sites and even scarier was the fact that it was signed with a valid Apple Developer certificate.
That would have meant that it could bypass Apple Gatekeeper security, but Apple reacted quickly and revoked the developers certificate.
Basically the system worked.
some variants of this fake Flash updater download a real Flash installer, too.
The easiest way to avoid this or similar malicious Flash update alerts is to not accept the download from a pop-up dialogue and visit the Adobe site directly in your browser.
You could also not install Flash at all and use a browser like Google's Crome which has an embedded sandboxed version of Flash.
Business Insider reports on hackers trying to social engineer their way into Apple in Ireland
Employees are getting offers of up to €20,000 ($23,000) for their AppleID
They claim they mostly target junior managers who have not been at the company long
It's not clear what they want or what kind of access to information the credentials would provide. I would assume their looking for access to iCloud and iTunes credentials for customers, though it could also be corporate espionage type data.
Sparkle update vulnerability
ArsTechnica reported on the discoverability of vulnerabilities in the Sparkle updater code that's used by many Mac Apps.
The vulnerabilities could leave the apps open to "man-in-the-middle" style attacks during updates
The vulnerability is due to a flawed WebKit rendering engine implementation found in certain Sparkle builds.
Could allow a hacker to insert and execute JavaScript code when an app checks for a software update.
But the risks are somewhat minimal
First you'd need to be on a network that was open to others, say like at a coffee shop
The developer would have to have failed to be using HTTPS to get the updates, something that is NOT recommended in the developer instructions from Sparkle
And the app would need to be using an older version of the Sparkle updater.
Mac App Store apps remain unaffected since they use the App Stores own update functionality.
Many developers are now updating their apps, so run your App updates, just do so on a private (home) network.
TSMC to be sole provider for iPhone 7 processors
The Electronic Times is reporting that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has reached a deal with Apple to be the sole supplier of A-series processors for the iPhone 7
They say the key was TSMCs 10-nanometer manufacturing technology and advanced InFO (integrated fan out) architecture.
InFO tech stacks embedded chips on top of each for direct mounting on a circuit board, reducing thickness and weight.
For the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus both Samsung and TSMC made processors though a small controversy broke out when benchmark tests showed the TSMC made A9s having better performance
They ran cooler and offered better battery life.
The variance was only 2-3 percent
Apple and Samsung have always had tenuous relationship.
Still it's not like Apple to rely solely on a single supplier for major components on the iPhone.
Strange report of Apple Car 'motor noises'
AppleInsider had a report on strange motor noises coming from a Sunnyvale, Calif., automotive testing facility they believe Apple is using for their rumored car project
Supposedly a resident who lives near the facility has complained to the city of of "motor noises" late at night."
Apple occupies seven buildings, comprising nearly 300,000 square feet, of a large office complex in the city.
One of the buildings is supposedly owned by a mysterious company named SixtyEight Research. They have just a shell website.
AppleInsider believes the car project is codenamed "Project Titan" and that it operates out of a facility Apple internally calls "SG5"
Apple puts pause on TV streaming service
Sounds like Apple might have got fed up with the TV providers in it's efforts to bring a "light" TV subscription service to market.
In the lead up to the 4th gen Apple TV release their were rumors Apple want to do a small 25 channel streaming TV deal for about $30-40/mo.
The main obstacle was allegedly Apple's insistence on a "skinny" channel bundle costing less than $30 per month, and the unwillingness of content providers to leave some channels out.
One source of leaks for Apple's desired TV effort was CBS CEO Les Moonves. Les now says Apple has seeming stopped talk on the effort, at least for now.
I think Apple went with the all "app" based solution as plan "B"
EddyCue recently made comments in an interview saying that networks are free to release their own apps with subscription services at their own prices.
Apple has been in the bid for Thursday night NFL too.
They also now appear to be looking at providing their own original programming, like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon.
Apple's first original series might be one called Vital Signs starring Dr. Dre
Though this might be delivered over Apple Music rather than directly over Apple TV
The series is supposedly six 30 minute episodes
It's described as a “semi-autobiographical” drama and sound like it could resemble the film "Compton"
It's also said to be very dark with a lot of violent and sexual content including at least one episode rumored to contain an "orgy" scene.
Apple has also produced recent music video content for Apple Music.
At this point it appears to be the only show Apple has in development, thought other rumors have indicated original shows and programming is an area Apple is exploring.
Maybe Apple plans to cut it's teeth in Apple Music before moving on to original content for Apple TV.
Apple expanding global operation in India
According to a ZDNet report Apple plans to build a facility on 250,000 sq. ft. Of land in India
The building will be in the Hyderabad IT corridor sand reportedly cost around $25 million dollars
The project is also said to involve 4,500 jobs.
The report seems to indicate the center would be set up to aid in the development of Apple's mapping technologies.
Apple has also been looking to expand sales efforts in India. Last March they reached over $1 billion in sales in India
They also been working with the Indian government to help get faster rollouts of Apple Retail stores in the region.
Apple Insider notes many of the places Apple has international operations and the list is pretty extensive.
Manufacturing, customer care, finance, and global supply chain management in Cork, Ireland
Plans to open an iOS App Development Center in Naples, Italy
They have R&D offices in Cambridge in the UK
Three development sites in Israel
An R&D facility under construction in Yokohama, Japan
And they are rumored to be moving into office space in Ottawa, Canada to work on automotive software solutions. Near Blackberry's QNX offices
Apple is also significantly expanding it's offices in the US
You have the Campus 2 "spaceship" project
New facilities operating or planned in Sunnyvale, Santa Clara and San Jose
A graphics chip development site near Orlando, Florida
And they've invested $300M to expand their Americas Operations Center in Austin, Texas.
Apple USB-C Charge Cable Replacement Program
Apple notes that in some cases these cables have been known to fail due to a design issue
Affected cables might fail to charge the MacBook or only charge intermittently when connected to a power adapter
You can tell if you have an impacted cable by it's labeling which will read, "Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China." Without a serial number.
The redesigned cables will feature a serial number after the label.
Apple will replace faulty cables that shipped with the MacBook or ones that were purchased separately at no cost
If you provided a valid mailing address when you registered your MacBook then a new cable will be shipped to you automatically.
Otherwise contact Apple Support or an Apple Authorized Service Provider, or visit an Apple Retail store to get a replacement cable.
You can replace affected cables using this program through June 8, 2018.
Sponsor: Harry's
Harry's gives you a high quality save for a fraction of the price.
One of my favorite things about being a Harry's customer is never again having to worry about buying razor blades
It's sounds like it would be a trivial thing, but it isn't.
Face it we've all been in that situation where you have that blade you used way too long, right?
You kept forgetting to get new blades, or you just didn't want to bother.
You shave with that tired worn out blade and it sucks. You come out all razor burned up or worse nicked to death.
With Harry's that never happens
You get a fresh supply of razors and creams right when you need it because you control the schedule.
I now never worry about changing out my blades because I know I'll always have new ones. They come right to me.
I a have to admit, I get excited when the new shipment comes.
They make the experience, even down to the packaging, enjoyable.
These guys are serious about shaving
They actually bought a factory in Germany to create their own blades
And the blades are 5 blade cartridges
Best of all they are offering Maccast listeners the opportunity to try the Harry's shave experience for FREE.
You'll get a kit with a Truman Razor handle and a blade cartridge, a foaming shave gel, and a travel blade cover for free, you just have just cover the $3 buck shipping charge.
A few of you have told me you got your kits and are loving it. That's great to hear.
Plus, they have a money back guarantee, so you've got nothing to lose.
Big thanks to Harry's for a great shave and for sponsoring the show.
Feedback, commentary, opinions
iTunes Match refunds for iTunes Radio
A couple shows back we discussed Apple's removing the iTunes Radio features from Apple Music free and iTunes Match
Many were upset that iTunes Radio was sold as a feature of iTunes Match and was now removed lessening the value of the service.
It also feels like a way to force iTunes Match subscribers to iTunes Music if they want a "radio" feature other than Beats 1
I suggested that those who were upset contact Apple and see what they would do.
I've heard from those of you who did and it appears that Apple will give you some iTunes Store credit if you subscribe to iTunes Match.
I don't know if the value is the same for everyone, but if you want a refund I encourage you to contact Apple.
It won't you iTunes Radio back, but it might take some of the sting out of losing the service.
Avoid putting you iPhone in the past
The 70s may or may not be a decade you'd like to go back to, but for sure it's one you don't want to let your iPhone visit
iMore had a piece this week about an odd iPhone date bug that has apparently been with us since Apple released iOS 8.
If you manual set the date to January 1, 1970 it can brick your phone.
If you set that date and reboot the phone will not boot up and you cannot even boot it into recovery mode.
You'll be stuck with a trip to the Genius Bar.
Obviously this issue is easy to avoid. Just keep the setting to let the iPhone set it's own date and time.
Or, if you must manually set the date and time, don't set it to January, 1 1970.
Troubleshooting shutdown stalls
We talk a lot about boot up hangs, spinning beach balls, app crashes, lock ups, and kernel panics and how to troubleshoot them.
But there is another kind of issue that can crop up that's more rare, but can be just as frustrating. Hangs at shutdown.
The screen goes black or grey and you see the spinning gear and then stalls.
That's what happened to Jason Snell recently and he had a good way to troubleshoot it.
The trick was to boot into Verbose mode
Explain single user vs. verbose
For verbose mode, startup the Mac while holding down Command+V
When you do this you'll see Matrix like screens of data while your Mac boots up but also, more importantly for this troubleshooting, while the Mac shuts down.
Hidden in this cryptic text may be the key to your issue, that's what Jason was looking for.
The problem is that the typical way to see the processed and their IDs is via the Terminal or Activity Monitor, but at this point the Mac is locked up.
Jason had a friend give some good advice, capture the the list of currently running processes before shutting down.
In Jason's case the culprit turned out to be the Adobe Creative Cloud Crash Reporter, ironic I know.
He simply removed the 'AdobeCRDaemon' which starts that process and all was well
He'll have to wait for Adobe to patch it.
I thought this was a brilliant bit of troubleshooting and wanted to share the technique in case you someday find it useful.
Deleting Music on iOS
Brandon emailed me to ask about removing songs from his iPod, to free up storage, but wanting to make sure that the music stayed in his iCloud Music Library, so he could access it later when he wanted.
Basically how to get rid of any locally stored tracks, but not delete the data from iCloud.
Brandon noticed that when you would select a song or album in the Music app on iOS and the tap the '…' to bring up the menu there is a 'Delete from My Music…' option.
Tapping that give you a second confirm button and then tapping that would 'Delete from My Music'
So how do you know if you're deleting Music from the local device only or when you're actually deleting it from the iCloud Music Library
The "My Music" part is key
The button shows 'Delete…' when the track is stored locally and being deletes.
If you see "Delete from My Music' it would remove it from the cloud.
You can see this when you tap 'Delete…' (local) as the confirm dialog then gives you two options "Delete from My Music' and 'Remove Downloads'
It also explains, "This album has been downloaded to this iPhone. Do you want to delete it from My Music, or remove the downloads from this iPhone?"
Another way to tell before you delete it is is if you see a little "phone/iPod" icon next to the track. Then you know it's a locally downloaded file.
You can also just change the view options to only show downloaded tracks
At the top of the track list tap the dropdown for 'Artists/Albums/Songs'
At the bottom of the menu you'll see a toggle for 'Only Downloaded Music'
Another thing to be aware of if you're trying to reclaim space is the streaming cache.
One way to do this is to turn iCloud Music Library off and on again
Go to Settings > Music, and turn off iCloud Music Library. (You don’t need to turn off Apple Music.)
Thing of the Moment: Firewatch
I've been waiting for this game to come out since I saw the trailers for it over a year ago
A collaboration between a small indie studio in San Francisco called Campo Santo and Panic, makers of great Mac apps like Coda and Transmit
"Firewatch is a mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio."
It's a story driven first person exploration style game
You're a guy named Henry who, through a series of emotional personal events, finds himself employed as a park service ranger in a firewatch tower.
The only other main character in the game is your supervisor, a woman named Delilah, and you communicate with her over the radio
You guide the game play by your conversations, choose your own adventure style, and your actions.
The gameplay really lets you explore and find your way picking up clues along the way and learning more about the characters and your situation.
The visual style is stunning and really unique and the story really draws you into the game.
Because I don't have a ton of time i'm only about "3 days" (levels) into the game, but each time I come back I'm drawn in and don't want to stop.
It's available for Mac on Steam for USD $19.99
System Requirements
OS: Mac OS X 10.8+
Processor: 2011 or newer Intel Core i5
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia or ATi GPU with 1GB Memory
Storage: 4 GB available space
Additional Notes: Dedicated graphics card required. No Mac Mini model is officially supported at this time.
My 2011 Core i7 2.0 GHz Macbook Pro with 8GB RAM and an AMD Radeon HD 6490M 256 MB runs the game, but I had to crank things down to get a playable frame rate.
Still with everything turned down I think it looks great and I'm enjoying it.
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