Fun with Mac OS X Terminal
Believe it or nor the Terminal can be fun.
The say command.
Open the Terminal
A few simple navigating tips
You will start off in your home folder. Type 'ls' to see a list of the folders (directories) contents
ls -l will list in a long format. File sizes, permissions, etc.
To change directories use 'cd'
dot dot (..) will take you up one folder level
to get back home you can always just type 'cd' or cd 'tilde' (little squiggly accent below the 'esc' key).
type cd + space and drag in a folder from the Finder to have it's path populated. Enter to navigate in the Terminal to that folder
Fun with 'say'
Be careful and type exact and double check. Look it up if your in doubt. Google is your friend.
Let's go to the Desktop and play with say
type cd to get back to your home and then cd Desktop and hit enter.
type say Hello and hit enter (make sure your volume is up).
You can type say and any text afterwards and your Mac will speak it.
You can change the voice
Alex is the default in Snow Leopard, but there are others.
Female Voices
Agnes, Kathy, Princess, Vicki, Victoria
Male Voices
Alex, Bruce, Fred, Junior, Ralph
Novelty Voices
Albert, "Bad News", Bahh, Bells, Boing, Bubbles, Cellos, Deranged, "Good News", Hysterical, "Pipe Organ", Trinoids, Whisper, Zarvox
There are parameters you can add to the command.
-v allows you to specify a voice
'say -v Victoria Hello'
Read from a file
-f then specify the path to a text file.
Needs to be a text file in UTF-8 encoding. Default for Text Edit, so paste in text and save.
Can also output to an AIFF file
-o filename (path)
Default is AIFF, but you can also do an AAC (.m4a).
Lots of other commands
Use the 'man say' command to view the documentation
Spacebar (or Control+F) to move forward. Control+B to go Backward.
'q' to quit.
To stop the currently speaking item or if you get into trouble Command+C or Quit the terminal app.
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ideas for topics, subjects you'd like covered, etc.