Odds and Ends Feedbackpolooza
Had several people ask questions and follow up with some items, so here we go.
tip from Richard
Play comment.
Running in Classic
Leopard and Snow Leopard don't have a Classic mode
The fact that I had both Stephen and another Maccast member ask me about this I figured I should discuss it
Sheep Shaver, OS X Classic emulator
It's not in active development
Can get it to work in Snow Leopard if you try
Need a copy of OS 9.0.0-9.0.4
A Mac PPC Boot ROM
Helpful sites
All the docs, great forum, links to files and resources
Redundant Robot
ROMs, Boot Images, OS 9
Some tips
Get the System Preferences app (separate install)
Get the PRAM and Sheep Shaver preferences remove scripts
Create a read/write Mac OS Extended disk image for storage of installers. Remame .dmg to .img and map in Sheep Shaver Preferences
Set Ethernet interface in miscellaneous section of Sheep Shaver preferences to 'slirp'.
Easily create your own ringtones in iTunes
Greg sent along this tip.
Select the track you want to create the ringtone from and find the 20-30 sec segment you want to use as your ringtone.
Make note of the start time and the desired length
With the track selected choose File-->Get Info and go to the 'Options' tab.
Check the boxes for Start and End time and set them to match the times you noted earlier. Hit "OK".
With the track still selected go to Advanced-->Create AAC Version
If you see something different you need to go to the iTunes Preferences. Click Import Settingsā¦ and make sure to set it for AAC format.
Go back into 'Get Info' and uncheck and clear out the start and end times to restore the original track.
Find the new AAC ringtone clip. Control+Click on the track and choose 'Show in Finder'
change the file name extension to .m4r and then drag it to itunes to add the ringtones.
Now it should be in the Ringtones section of iTunes and you can choose to sync from the 'Ringtone' tab in your device settings in iTunes.
A Case for Firewire over USB audio
Play comment from Achim
I would agree for situations where you are really pushing the audio. Multiple layered tracks where your going to be taxing the CPU just in the layering of track, loops, and applying effects.
For a 3 or 4 track audio podcast where you may have a voice, music, and sound effect track then it may not be such an issue.
I've just found Firewire to be much more "testy". When it's working it's rock solid, but when it goes south it's annoying.
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