File Sharing
Not exactly "file sharing"
Bonjour enables automatic IP address assignment without a DHCP server, name to address translation without a DNS server, and service discovery without a directory serve
A way for computers to "find" each other (typically on a LAN) and connect without complex configuration.
Once connected then you can use File Sharing services over that connection.
Apple Filing Protocol (AFP), default
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
Enable sharing
This is LAN sharing, unless you have a static IP and open router/firewall
System Preferences --> Sharing --> File Sharing…
Define the folders you wish to share
Define the users who can have access and at what level.
Do this for each folder
Read Only, Write Only (Dropbox), and Read & Write
By default the Public folder in your home folder is shared along with it's Dropbox.
Sharing options
Share files and Folders using AFP
Share files and folders using FTP
FTP usernames and passwords are sent in clear text.
Use 'Remote Login' and SSH for more secure FTP access
SSH will use UNIX level accounts, groups, and permissions to control access.
Go back and listen to Episode 48 with George Starcher to learn tips on securely enabling SSH.
Share files and folders using SMB (Windows)
Select specific user accounts.
What about iOS?
FTP is not recommend
Sends authentication and files in plain text
SFTP (SSH), there are no iOS API's for and no command line access from within an App
AFP- A complicated protocol, and there's no high-level API for it on iOS.
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)
A set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.
No high-level APIs for these protocols on iOS or Mac OS X for WebDAV either
But it's layered on top of HTTP and developers can use OS X and iOS HTTP APIs
And that's what most do.
iDisk uses WebDAV protocols.
Connecting to shared servers
From the Finder
Some servers, Bonjour devices, etc. will show up under 'Shared'
Go-->Connect to Server…
afp://, cifs://, ftp://, ftps://, http://, https://, nfs://, smb:// or vnc://.
Authenticate to access non-public folders
Also an option for "guest" access. "Public" folder.
Most support FTP, SFTP, WebDAV
In iOS file sharing apps there will usually be an option for 'WiFi' sharing (WebDAV)
basically sets up a web server and you connect via HTTP protocol
Can do it by entering the IP or Bonjour address into the Finder or use a web browser.
iOS File transfer via iTunes
Some apps support iOS's new file sharing in iTunes
Unser the 'Apps' menu for the device in iTunes
Allows you to "Add…" or "Save to…" files
Priority to your emails.
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