
Thoughts on the new App Store

Boon or bane?


Easy store front

One click install and upgrade

Install on ALL your Macs

In App Store on another Mac, you can download from the "Purchases" section

Since your authenticated it will install.

If you "sneaker" net the app it will display the apps registered Apple ID (embedded in the app) and prompt you for the password.

I think it also tracks UUIDs of installed Macs

Desktop access to all users running Snow Leopard

Straight forward terms. The 30/70 split


No trial or demo versions. Can't "unlock" in app.

No upgrade pricing (more on this later)

Don't control refunds.

Growing pains

Install on "All" your Macs

Maybe not preferred for the developer

Some forgot to implement the "control". On purpose?

"personal" not business.

Growing pains is going to be the tricky one.

Many of these are the same kinds of issues developers have already been through with this iOS App Store

Does that make it less or more painful this time around?

What we have seen in less than a week.

"Beta" user experience

Not obvious to all the new Dock icon

Only runs on Snow Leopard

Download to Dock and stick.

No settings or options

Uninstall by trash now requires a password even when using an admin account.

Race to the bottom pricing?

Tied into marketing and exposure

TUAW found majority of Apps aren't free. Biggest block in the $20-50 range, then $10-20, $4-5 and finally $1, then free

Cheaper may not be cheaper, TUAW points out, sales tax on App Store.

Crapware here we come?

Name squatting

Another one from the iOS store

Weather HD

To be Installed or not installed

That is a great and confusing question

Right now it looks like App Store or not and don't cross the streams

If it was purchased outside the app store it won't update in the app store

If you attempt to "re-download" an app not purchased in the App Store it will charge you again.

Installing a free app via the App Store over an existing installed app does seem to update it and bring it into the App Store model

Retains data? at least did for Evernote

Except some apps did

Bundle ID + version dilemma and confusion

Problem is this is all VERY confusing for users

Developers are "choosing" 1 of 3 options

No App Store

App Store only

Lower pricing until users migrate

Again confusing?


Buy now (again) at reduced price, free update to 2.0 version.

CoverSutra <-- Developer controversy

Buy not at $5.00 reduced price, free upgrade to 3.0

Had originally promised free upgrades to ALL users, not possible with App Store model.



More rules, less features

As a result of the not crossing the streams issue

Apple's app rules restrict things that may be in existing versions of apps

BBEdit and TextWrangler, authenticated saves (the ability to save changes to files that you do not own) and the command-line tools are not available in the App Store versions.

Great start, a lot of room for improvement

Apple and developers will work to get this sorted

Luckily unlike the iOS store, developers can opt-out (until the consumer or competitive constrain gets too strong)

I would like to see a better way for consumers to transition existing apps to the App Store.