Activity Monitor
Provides a GUI for all the activity that is happening on your Mac.
Disk Activity
Disk Usage
Network Activity
You'll find it in Applications/Utilities
The main window. Processes
Can control which columns are displayed under the View-->Columns menu
Can use the 'Show' drop down to filter view to:
All processes
Your processes
System processes
Other user processes
Active and Inactive
Windowed processes (basically apps)
Process ID - An incrementing number of each process running on your machine
This can be apps, utilities, daemons, or other background processes
Sorting the column will let you see the first or latest processes
Process Name
User column
Displays the user that launched the process
Typically your user, root, or something like daemon, _www
How much of the CPu an app is actively using.
Seeing it spike to 100% or higher shouldn't be a concern, especially if the app is actively doing a task.
A sequence of instructions being performed by one application or process.
If you see an app with lots of threads running, and it doesn't have a UI on screen it could be running background stuff
Real - Physical memory on the machine
Virtual = "fake memory", swap disk.
Other columns:
CPU Time, # Ports, Private Memory, Shared Memory, Messages Sent, and Messages Received.
Tabs along the bottom
Can see what percentage of the processor is in use by User or System processes
Also total threads and processes
Free Memory: RAM that's not being used.
Wired: Can't be moved to disk. Stays in physical RAM
Active: currently in memory, and has been recently used.
Inactive: Memory is not actively being used, but was recently used.
VM size has nothing to do with hard disk space or with the amount of ram being used.
Is simply number of addresses allocated to a program. VM Size is the totally of the addresses allocated for all apps, so can exceed the size of your hard drive.
Used: Total used
Page Ins/Outs
Memory moved between RAM and the hard disk.
Generally want page outs to be low
Swap Used
Amount of information copied to the swap file on your hard drive.
Again the lower the better
If either are consistently high, get more RAM
You can reboot to reset and then watch.
Disk Activity
Read and writes to the HD
Throughput can be measured
There is a graph
Disk Usage
Amount of HD in use or free.
Can read internal and external drives
Packets in and out and their throughput
Total data sent and received and throughput
May be useful in identifying background network activity
Advanced stuff
Like "Get Info" on a process
Parent process that launched it.
Threads, PU time, Page Ins
Memory details
CPU info
Show delta
process will turn green in list
Will monitor the changes in all the parameters between frequency updates
Change sample frequency in View-->Update Frequency
0.5 sec, 1 sec, 2 sec, 5 sec.
Quit Process - Kill a process.
Application not responding
Sometimes sending an Interrupt can "wake" a non-responsive process
View-->Send Signal to process
SIGKILL - Kill immediately
SIGINT - Interrupt
SIGHUP - Hang up
SIGQUIT - Quit and dump core
Live monitoring
View-->Dock Icon
CPU, Network, Disk, Memory
CPU Usage
CPU History
Of course also great 3rd party tools like iStat