Looking at the numbers
Gartner said $9.6 billion was spent on tablets in 2010. Apple had revenue of $9.56 billion from iPads in 2010. Does that mean they had almost 100% market share?
IDC put the number more at 83% for 2010
In PCs Apple had a 9.7% share based on Sales according to Gartner
More significant is it share was up 23.7% for the year. With the exception of Toshiba (14.4% growth), most other PC makers shares were down 6-10% Acer was down over 30%
Acer's CEO stepped down this week citing disagreements with their board
On iPhone's Asymco showed Apple with just 4% of the unit market share in Q4 of 2010, but estimated that they garnered about 50% of the industries profits.
The Post PC era, 35 years in the making
Apple was established April 1st 1976
The original Macintosh was always envisioned by Jobs as an appliance
Apple's whole vision has always been about simplification of technology
Only a 1 button mouse, not buttons is better. Trackpad.
No one wants a stylus, we have one built-in (finger).
Bonjour (zero-configuration networking)
No step 3.
Thunderbolt isn't a new port.
The significance of dropping "Computer" from the Apple name is clear
Apple never really aspired to be a "computer" company.
2/3rds of Apple's revenue now doesn't come from devices that people would traditionally consider to be a computer.
Closed is open
An 8th grade tech blogger J-P noted some things about an iPad's "openness"
"The iPad is more open to more people".
The technology isn't fighting to non-technical consumers.
Heck, babies can use it.
A "closed" app store appeals to a consumer who has had their PC infested with viruses and malware
An then likely been made fun of my their techie friend who they called to help clean up the mess.
Consumers are fed up and just want something that "works", and guess who is offering it?
"Specs don’t matter all that much, so long as the tablet performs well" - John Martello
Biting the bullets
Consistency, one stop shopping (App stores), less is more.
What you "can" do is becoming more important than having better technology that you can't use.
You can have better specs, but if it doesn't work for the consumer what good is it?
Android has Flash, kinda. Not on all devices and not yet. (Xoom didn't get it until a month later and it is still beta).
Google says the Honeycomb tablet OS isn't finished yet, but it's showing up on shipping tablets.
Xoom have 4G, but not till later and you'll need to send back your device for several weeks to get the upgrade.
It's all about the apps
J-P pointed out that the iPad has all the apps and all the things his friends want in a "PC"
Facebook, twitter, web, email, notes, etc.
Can easily try new apps
Apple said competitors tablets have "hundreds" of Apps (iPad had 1,000 at launch).
Recent tech reports have the numbers at less than 100 and most of those are scaled up, not native interfaces
Worse the scaling experience can be different depending on the device due to non-standard screen sizes.
Who's market are we sharing?
The market in the consumer space for traditional "PCs" is dwindling. Apple obviously saw their market share was going to erode.
Apple creates markets when they need them
It's deliberate and unique to Apple.
Based on an insight of what consumers want
Influenced by geeks and simplified for the masses
Technology that Apple "consumerized"
And by this I don't mean first with a consumer version, i mean a popular one.
The home PC, Apple II
The digital music player, iPod
The smart phone, iPhone (OK, I'm reaching here a bit)
The tablet PC
Apple's core business has always been in the consumer space.
Competitors are missing the point because they are still going after the tech niche (they sell to the IT Pro, the geek).
In the consumer space, which market is bigger? Tech geeks or "the rest of us"?
My mom doesn't care if the camera is 1 MP or 10 MP.
Does it look good on Facebook and can I figure out how to get it there.
Post PC on your Mac too
Lion is going to extend a lot of this "consumerization" to the desktop
Look at the "App Store".