Turn off name on email paste
A cool tip from Melissa Holt at Mac Observer
When you hover over an email address in the header or address fields you can click the drop down and copy the email address.
By default you get more than just the email address, you get the name in < > brackets. Annoying.
Terminal command
defaults write com.apple.mail AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard -bool NO
Use Secrets
View attachment as icon
When you place attachments that Mail can display those appear inline with the text.
If you control-click or right-click you can see an option to 'View as icon'
Repeat the process and choose 'View in Place to change back.
Attachment always at end
by default attachments get inserted at the current cursor position.
Go to 'Edit-->Attachments' and choose 'Insert attachments at End of Message' to always have your attachments inserted at the end.
Here is also the setting for 'Send Windows Friendly Attachments'
If you have trouble with Windows users receiving JPEGs try changing the extension to .jpeg before attaching.
Control Address Fields displayed
Use the View menu you can turn on or off the CC, BCC, and Reply To fields. These will be maintained for each new email you compose
You can use the little customize filed drop down in the compose window also. Choose 'customize' and you can check the boxes next to the desired fields.
Mail to undisclosed recipients
Helpful for doing organization or group mailings and keeping addresses anonymous
Create a Group in Address Book and add the addresses
Still in address book create a new entry
Set first name to 'undisclosed' and last name to 'recipients'
Set the email address to the same address that the email will be from.
Compose a new message and set the To address to the 'Undisclosed Recipients'.
Enable the BCC filed and add your group
Now when you email the addresses will be hidden.
Clear previous recipients
People often wonder why strange addresses often show up in auto-complete.
Not just from Address Book, but also from a list of everyone you've sent or replied to in an email. Might have old addresses for some people
Go to 'Window-->Previous Recipients'
Select names and click the 'Remove from List' button
More 'Secrets' tricks
Set an address to always BCC all emails to. (overrides anything set in MAIL)
Set a default Reply to address. (overrides anything set in MAIL)
Turn off Data Detectors
I personally love data detectors.
Over over and address, name, or number and you can instantly add or update a record in Address book
Force to always view text only if it's available.
Use Stationary to spruce up your email
Compose a new message and click the 'Show Stationary' button in the toolbar.
If you don't see it, use the View menu and select Customize toolbar to add the stationary and photo browser buttons.
Select a design and compose your email.
Use the 'Photo Browser' to add images to any image wells.
There are 3rd party sites for more stationary designs
I like the ones from Equinux, Stationary Pack
They also just released Mail Designer that lets you design your own stationary
Send email from iPhoto '11
Send HTML email using iWeb for Design
You will need a server to upload to via Mobile Me, FTP or Other means (save to folder)
Launch iWeb and create a new 'Site'. Maybe called Mail or Emails?
Create your design and publish it to your server.
View the page in Safari and the choose 'File-->Mail Contents of this Page' (Command + I)
Using a local (file view) will not work.
The Activity Window and Connection Doctor
Command+0 or Window-->Activity Window
See what's happening with mail accounts
Window-->Connection Doctor
Shows connections to servers.
Helpful of you're having trouble sending or receiving
Use the 'Show Details' button to see a detailed log. Need to have it already open when the connection starts to see the data.