Beyond the standard characters in OS X there are many symbols, greek letters, math symbols, and dingbats you can type, but it can be confusing on how to actually type them.
OS X has some built in tools that can help.
We can also learn some keyboard shortcuts for the more common ones we might need.
Accented characters
Or diacritical marks. Marks that appear above or below a letter, or in some other position and indicate which sound to give to a letter unit
Use the option key and the press the key for the mark you want to use, then type the character you want the mark on
Option+e will give you an accent mark
Option+i a circumflex mark
Option+n a tilde
Option+u a trema (umlaut)
Option + ` a grave mark
More 'options'
It can be hard to remember what marks are hidden behind what keys on the keyboard
You can enable the Keyboard viewer to help.
System Preferences --> Language & Text --> Input Sources tab
Check on the Keyboard & Character Viewer. Adds a menubar item
Click that and select Show Keyboard Viewer.
Hold the option key down and you'll see the diacritical mark keys highlighted in orange
You also notice the keys change to show other common symbols and characters you may use on a regular basis
Some common ones I find useful:
These will vary based on your language settings, but of r my US keyboard.
Ellipsis: Option + ;
Bullet: Option + 8
Cents: Option + 4 (Option+ 3 for £ and Option+Shift+2 for Euro)
"Smart quotes": Option+[ and Option+Shift+[ (double) and Option+] and Option+Shift+] (single)
Option+2 for trademark and Option+G for copyright.
Option+Shift+8 or Option+k for degrees
Option+Shift+K for the Apple logo.
Math symbols too
Option+= for "not equal"
Option+< or Option+> for less than or equal and greater than and equal
Option+v for square root and Option+5 for infinity
Symbols galore
Using the 'Character Viewer' you can gain access to just about every symbol, character, and dingbat under the sun
Once you enabled the menu bar item as described before just choose "Show Character Viewer' to display the palette
They are divided into categories like Math, Arrows, currency symbols, miscellaneous, etc.
It will also show you font collections containing those symbols.
With the insertion point in your document you can double-click the character from the viewer to insert it into your document
You can also drag the character from the palette or click the 'Insert' button at the bottom.
Clicking the 'Cog' options icon at the lower left you can build out the 'Favorites' tab with common characters you may use.
If you don't like having the Keyboard & Character viewer in the menu bar you can also access the Character Viewer via the 'Edit' menu in most applications
Edit-->Show Special Characters…
Using OS X's text replacement
System Preferences --> Language & Text --> Text tab
Turn on Symbol and text substitution by checking the ones you want in the list.
Typing '( c )' will substitute the copyright symbol. 1/4 can substitute the quarter symbol. Does seem to work in all apps.
This tab also lets you change the default settings for smart quote replacement.
Software to help
Text Expander accented character clipping group. Automatically add the right marks for "crème brûlée"
PopChar X offers a more advanced version of Apple's built in Character Viewer Palette
In iOS
Several enhancements you can turn on to make typing quicker in iOS
Turn on "Auto-capitalization", "Auto-correction", "Check spelling", "Enable Caps Lock" and "'.' Shortcut.
Cap Locks allows you to double-tap the shift key to enable a caps lock
The "." shortcut allows you to double tap the spacebar to quickly insert a period and space.
Auto-correct will automatically add punctuation to words like "can't"
Several keys have alternate characters.
Click and hold on a key to see it's alternate options.
Slide your finger up to choose the character you want and then release.
Slide finger off a key to cancel typing it.
Some have defaults you can access by simply flicking upward on the key. Exclamation --> single quote, Question mark --> Double-quotes.
Dot com
In Safari holding the .com key will offer alternative endings. In Mail addresses it's the "." key.
.net, .edu, .org, .us
The Japanese iOS has support for more expressive graphical icons called 'Emoji'
You can find apps to enable tis on the App Store. Launch the app can reboot the device
General-->Keyboards-->International. Add Keyboard and select 'Emoji'
Now you will have a 'globe' icon on the keyboard
Tap the globe to toggle to the 'Emoji' keyboard
Systems will need to have support for the Emoji unicode font to see that characters.
Supposedly OS X 10.7 Lion has Apple's Emoji font support in Font Book