Prepare for install
I ran disk maintenance using Disk Utility and Cocktail
Pulled an extra Super Duper clone
Clean install of Snow Leopard
Booted from my Snow Leopard DVD
Ran Disk Utility and did an partition and erase of the main hard drive
Clean installed Snow Leopard
I make sure to customize the default install
I don't install the Language Extras
I also Install Quicktime 7 and left out Rosetta
Need to re-authorize QT Player Pro 7, so dig out your key
On reboot I choose the "Don't transfer now" option from the Set-up Assistant (you can used migration Assistant later)
Set up my user account using the same name I had on my old system.
Then copied the contents specific folders from my old Home folder on the Super Duper backup
Documents, Downloads, Dropbox, Movies, Music, Pictures, Public, and Sites
Choose to overwrite where needed.
Left Library folder behind
It's hidden in Lion BTW.
Hold Option+Click the Go menu and Choose 'Library' to make it show up temporarily
Ran all OS X Software updates
I think I only had to do one round, but run it until there are no more updates
Copied over the ~/Library/Mail and ~/Library/Mail Downloads folders
Also moved the ~/Library/preferences/com.apple.mail.plist
Installed iLife and iWork from Original disks
Ran the software updates again to go those updates
Hand copied the files from all four Library-->Application Support and Library-->Preferences locations
Launched the Apps to make sure settings and stuff transferred properly
Application re-install dance
Basically did this process for all the apps I wanted to migrate
1) Reinstall latest version of the app from original disk or download. App Store apps all re-downloaded automatically.
2) Copied over Application Support and Preference files
3) Launched the app and confirmed it was working. Re-registered if necessary
I use 1Password to store all my serial numbers and it's database is in Dropbox
Installed these two apps first.
4) Ran software update for that app to get any updates
A number have been updated to support Lion, so do it now
5) Lather, rinse, repeat. And yes this is tedious.
I had also backed up my development stuff
Basically my MySQL databases (did a full dump) and Apache config and host files
Restored this stuff by had also
When all that finished I verified everything was working as expected
Then I ran Disk Utility-->Repair Permissions
Ran Cocktail to clean up one more time (maybe not necessary)
Did a 3rd Super Duper backup of my new "clean install" of Snow Leopard
Upgrading to Lion
Now the easy part.
Launched the App Store and bought and downloaded Lion
Took a long time
Adds the installer to the Dock and launches after it downloads
I quit the install, so I could back up the installer
It's 4GB and I wanted to sneaker net it to other systems
I also plan top make a bootable image (will cover in a future show)
Right-click in the Dock-->Options-->Show in Finder. Copy the "Install Mac OS X Lion" installer to a back-up disk
Launch the installer form the Dock and let it do it's thing.
First look at Lion
Ui changes
Seem subtle at first, but creep up on you
Flat less glossy look
More squared corners
Feel more sophisticated and "gown up"
Not sure about the loss of sidebar colors
I don't like devices being at the bottom
Lack of color or custom icons make it harder to scan and find the thing your looking for
Somebody loves Core Animation
Lots of things feel "swishy"
A lot of it seems superfluous
Natural scrolling, not so natural but I plan to stick it out
You can tun it off in the 'Mouse' setting & 'Trackpad' settings
Mouse it's under the 'Point & Click' tab
Trackpad it's under the 'Scroll & Zoom' tab
Uncheck 'Natural' scrolling
General inconsistency between Mouse gestures and trackpad gestures
I understand why, but it's going to make moving back and forth tricky
Typically you use 1 finger on the mouse for 2 finger trackpad gestures and 2 fingers on the mouse for 3 finger trackpad gestures.
2-finger tap on magic Mouse to access Mission Control
I think Apple is subtly saying get a trackpad, especially if you use external devices with your notebook.
Strange, but nice to not have a 'Save' or 'Save As' in auto-save apps
Command+S now saves a version
'Duplicate' option seems to replace 'Save As…'
Adds '_Copy' to the filename until you save.
Click the filename in the menubar to get a drop down to access versions
Can copy items from old versions into the new document.
Auto correct and dictionary works like iOS. I like that.
Full screen mode is cool and auto-switching spaces with a swipe feels more natural to me than Spaces ever did
The old way of Spaces appears to be gone
Some Lion tips
Switch Dashboard back to old way
Go into System Preferences-->Mission Control
Uncheck the box that says, 'Show Dashboard as Space'
Set-up hotkey for Launchpad
If you don't have a trackpad or Magic Trackpad
The trackpad gesture is a 4 finger pinch in
There is also a Launchpad icon added to the Dock
You can go int System Preferences-->Keyboard and then use the 'Launchpad & Dock' section to assign a hot key
Double-click the area on the right where it shows the hotkey assignment (blank at first)
Assign the hotkey you'd like. I'm using F8, but you can use modifier keys.