A discussion of the softwate, tools, and methods I use for preparing for the Maccast
Emails and Voicemails
I use Gmail
Mail.app is used on my Mac and Mail on my iOS devices
I use special IMAP folders to organize different picecs
Filters are also set up for specific items
These are set up in the GMAIL interface under Mail Settings-->Filters
any emails with an audio attachment get filtered into a 'Listen To' folder
Set up special filters to watch for "call to action" emails, like 'Why I'm an Apple User'
These could also be done as Rules in Apple mail, but I prefer the processing on the server side
IMAP folders sync up, so when I orgainze in either place everything gets updated
I prefer moviing items on iOS because it access folders in context to the Mail account you're working with
Voicemail is handled 3 ways
1) The mail filter I already mentioned
2) The "hotline" which is a Google Voice number
3) Skype voicemail
Google Voice
These come in and I also get an email with a rough transcript
Listen to them in the iOS app or on the website
Respond via email if needed
Have to download comments as MP3 files via the web interface in Safari
Skype Voicemail
This one is a bit trickier
I can listen in the Skype app, but need to use another app to record the audio.
I use Audio Hijack Pro for this.
Launch Audio Hijack
Select the Skype preset and click Hijack
Click record in Audio Hijack and then play the message in Skype
I record to an AIFF file and use a 'Monomizer' filter
Regardless of the voicemail source it gets converted and Levelated
Use QuickTime 7 and it's audio export filter to save the source files as a 44.1 kHz, 16-bit, Mono AIFF file
Drop that into Levelator
The file output from Levelator is what is added to Garageband for the show.
I use RSS feeds as my main source for research
Subscriptions to over 25 different Apple and tech blogs and publications
I use Reeder as my primary app on both the Mac and iOS
Syncs with Google Reader
Typically take a first pass each day and "Star" the articles I want to focus on
I may also simply clip a fact or section I want to cover into Notebook
Periodically I go through the Notebook clippings and organize them into related groups, add notes, etc. It's kind of like a thought book more than an outliner for me.
Or, if it is a longer form article I may send it to Instapaper.
As I'm prepping I also go through my 3 source locations, Reeder, Notebook, and Instapaper and start to process it.
Ultimately everything ends up in my Omni Outliner notes
I'll start a show Omnioutliner file and save that to my iDisk. The reason is that OmniOutliner on iOS can access that.
My Notebook pages can be eport as OMPL and opened in OmniOutliner and then copied right into place. I then can expand these with other content from other sources.
I'll read through the longer articles, typically in Instapaper on my iPad, and may add stuff to the OmniOutliner notes on the iPad (copy paste)
I do the same thing from Reeder and also Gmail for the listener questions and content.
Pulling it all together
For recording everything ends up in a "show" folder in my Documents folder
Within that I have an audio folder for all my clips and an images folder for all the album artwork
At the root of that folder are the GarageBand and OmniOutliner files (copied over from iDisk)
For Album art I typically use two tools
Skitch, recently aquired by Evernote
All files are saved out as 600 px by 600px PNG files
I covered most of the equipment and technical deatils in Maccast Member Episode 031
I use Garageband and the Podcast track. Add album art and info.
Best trick here is I drop the audio and images folders into their respecive areas in the media browser in Garageband which gives me quick access to add those assets to my project without having to use the Finder.
Use Share-->Export Podcast to Disk and create AAC and MP3 versions
Those files are added to iTunes so I can add all the ID3 tags and meta data
Files are uploaded to my hosting service (Libsyn or Cachefly)
I use Transmit for FTP
The Feeds are all generated using Feeder
This direcly generates and update the RSS (XML) file on my server. Published via built in FTP
Feeder als uses XML-RPC to set up the post on my Wordpress site
Maccast site is in wordpress and I log in there to clean up the show post and add the code to allow the HTML 5 audio player which uses the Media Element.js plugin
That's it.