Error logs can often be a useful tool in trying to troubleshoot the Mac. The trick is figuring out how to read them and to know what to look for. The Console is a useful tool built in to Applications-->Utilities that can help.
The general layout of the Console should be familiar because it uses the classic 3 panel layout
The toolbar
Quick access to common function
View-->Customize Toolbar to add or remove items
Has search/filter box
Log List
List of available logs
Pre-organized into 3 main categories: System Log Queries, Diagnostic and Usage Information, and Files
Sender and Tag Pane
May need to be expanded
Visible when viewing logs
Has two tabs: Senders and Tags
Main Messages window
Contains the actual log details
In some cases information may be grouped and collapsed. Expand using the disclosure triangles
Log List
System Log Queries
All Messages: Default and displays all log messages
Build your own query:
File-->New System Log Query
Enter a name for your search: i.e. 'Twitter Unavailable'
Define criteria, 'Sender'->'contains'->'Twitter'
Click the "+" to add additional criteria. "Message"->"contains"->"service unavailable"
Diagnostic and Usage Information
"Crash reports"
Separated into User and System
There will be multiples per application/thread. Each one being a crash incident.
The name will generally indicate the offending application
Separated into 5 main parts: system.log, kernel.log (OS system and BSD kernel), ~/Library/Logs (User level application logs), /Library/logs (System level application logs), /var/log (Core BSD services logs)
Your probably mostly interested in the system.log and ~/Library/Logs files
/var/log has cool stuff if your looking for stuff like 'cups' or 'windowserver', also apache logs or launch daemons
Reading and parsing log files
Once you find the log you want to look through there are some useful tools
Filter. Use the search box to narrow down the results to look for specific messages.
Looking for specific 'Senders'
The application that triggered the log entry
View-->Show Sender Icon Or Show->Sender in Bold
Ignore Sender. Select an item in the main window and use the toolbar option 'Ignore Sender' to hide all messages from that sender in the list.
Open the 'Senders' and 'Tags' pane and select specific sender to display by checking the boxes. You see you can also remove any ignored senders from this pane as well.
Control the number of Senders and tags displayed in that pane from Console-->Preferences-->Number of Top Senders & Tags option
Clear Display. From toolbar or View-->Clear Display (Command+K) Rest the view so you only see new incoming messages. Hit reload to load the full log again
At the bottom the 'Earlier' and 'Later' buttons will allow you to see older entries that might be beyond the Console's display limits.
Insert Marker. Adds a time stamp "#Marker" tag so you can set a point in the log that you can filter on
other 'Tags' are set by the developers and may appear in the pane so you can filter on those by checking them.
Using the Inspector
Select an item in the main log window and bring up the inspector by clicking the toolbar item or from Window-->Message Inspector (Command+I)
Give you a nicer "grid" key/value view
Easily see key info like the Sender, PID, and Message.
Use the PID and launch the Activity Monitor to match the process in the Activity monitor.
Reading Diagnostic Reports
This is what used to be called, "Crash Reports".
The first batch of stuff shows what process crashed
Process: Dock [341] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock Identifier: Dock Version: ??? (???) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [319]
Operating System, date and time
Date/Time: 2011-11-02 12:15:50.800 -0700 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7.2 (11C74) Report Version: 9
The Exception (type of crash)
Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00007fff710ffc10
Basically Apple defines 4 types
EXC_BAD_ACCESS/KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS - This is caused by the thread accessing unmapped memory. It may be triggered by either a data access or an instruction fetch
EXC_BAD_ACCESS/KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE - This is caused by the thread trying to write to read-only memory. This is always caused by a data access.
EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION - This is caused by the thread executing an illegal instruction.
EXC_ARITHMETIC/EXC_I386_DIV - This is caused by the thread doing an integer divide by zero on an Intel-based computer.
The Backtrace
The threads in reverse chronological order that lead up to the crash
You'll know which thread crashed because it will say, "thread X crashed"
Under the crashed thread you have in reverse chronological order the the tasks that lead up to the crash
The first column indicates order
The second column indicates the name of the program or other system component that performed the task.
The third column is the counter program address (e.g. 0x16bf2c34) - basically a hash
The fourth column displays the task (i.e. _objc_empty_cache + 0)
Why bother?
So knowing all of this you can get a bunch of technical info, but what good does that do you?
You may be able to see what was going on within and app or your system on or around the time of a crash and that may help you pinpoint a cause
You can get a specific message or error to perform a Google search with that may yield a fix or work around.